Leibsohn, Dana (Author)
Dean, Carolyn J. (Author)
Book Lauren Jacobi; Zolli, Daniel M. (2021) Contamination and purity in early modern art and architecture.
Erin Woodruff Stone;
Captives of conquest : Slavery in the early modern Spanish Caribbean
William Eamon;
Corn, Cochineal, and Quina: The “Zilsel Thesis” in a Colonial Iberian Setting
Antonio Sánchez;
The “empirical turn” in the historiography of the Iberian and Atlantic science in the early modern world: from cosmography and navigation to ethnography, natural history, and medicine
Ran Segev;
'For the Sciences Migrate, Just Like People': The Case of Botanical Knowledge in the Early Modern Iberian Empires
Robins, Nicholas A.;
Mercury, Mining, and Empire: The Human and Ecological Cost of Colonial Silver Mining in the Andes
Antonio Sánchez;
Cosmografia, náutica e conhecimento prático: espaços, práticas e artefactos
Ramos, Gabriela;
Indian Hospitals and Government in the Colonial Andes
Renée Raphael;
Toward a Critical Transatlantic History of Early Modern Mining: Depiction, Reality, and Readers’ Expectations in Álvaro Alonso Barba’s 1640 El arte de los metales
Santiago Giménez-Roldán;
John C. Steele;
Valerie S. Palmer;
Peter S. Spencer;
Lytico-bodig in Guam: Historical links between diet and illness during and after Spanish colonization
Jana Černá;
Beyond the “Irrational and Superstitious”: The New World, Spanish “Hunters of Nature’s Secrets”, and Transformations of Science in the Early Modern Era
Multimedia Object
Lance C. Thurner;
Bigelow, Allison Margaret;
Allison Bigelow, “Mining Language: Racial Thinking, Indigenous Knowledge, and Colonial Metallurgy in the Early Modern Iberian World” (UNC Press 2020)
Timothy Bowers Vasko;
‘That They Will Be Capable of Governing Themselves’: Knowledge of Amerindian Difference and Early Modern Arts of Governance in the Spanish Colonial Antilles
Mills, Kenneth;
Demonios within and without: Hieronymites and the Devil in the Early Modern Hispanic World
Nikolaus Klein;
Paul Oberholzer;
Esther Schmid Heer;
Transfer, Begegnung, Skandalon? Neue Perspektiven auf die Jesuitenmissionen in Spanisch-Amerika
Garrido, Miguel León;
Los primeros estudios mineralógicos en la América colonial española, siglos XVI y XVII
Mendoza Vargas, Héctor;
Lois, Carla;
Historias de la cartografía de Iberoamérica: nuevos caminos, viejos problemas
Scott, Heidi V.;
Contested Territory: Mapping Peru in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Bradley Skopyk;
Rivers of God, Rivers of Empire: Climate Extremes, Environmental Transformation and Agroecology in Colonial Mexico
Guerrero, Saúl;
Chemistry as a Tool for Historical Research: Identifying Paths of Historical Mercury Pollution in the Hispanic New World
Guerrero, Saúl;
Chemistry as a Tool for Historical Research: Estimating the Contraband of Silver from Potosí and Oruro, 1576--1650
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