Article ID: CBB435026705

Eryximachus, Iatrotechnai, Iatromanteis: Images of the Doctor in Greece. Philosophy, Comedy, Tragedy and a Velia Inscription (2019)


Within a reexamination of the linguistic evidence concerning the physicians in classical Greece, the article proposes to read the reference to iatrotechnai in Aristophanes’ "Clouds" 332 in the light of the figure of Eryximachus as described in Plato’s dialogues, mirroring the society of the time and the attempts of the rationalist doctor to be accepted among the leading intellectuals, the sophists. A fragment of Eupolis gives additional information on this social milieu, and allows to better outline the figure of Callias III, who provided housing and financial support to Socrates, the sophists and other intellectuals. In the second part, a discussion on the actual existence of iatromanteis and on the occurrences of the term is proposed, including the Velia inscription no. 20, in form of a reaction to a recent article by W.V. Harris, who argues against the historical existence of such figures and opposes the current reconstruction of the text of the inscription.

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Authors & Contributors
Fischer, Klaus-Dietrich
Sconocchia, Sergio
Serangeli, Ambra
Giorgianni, Franco
Hoz, María Paz de
Jouanna, Jacques
Technai, An International Journal for Ancient Science and Technology
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Galenos: Rivista di Filologia dei Testi Medici Antichi
Carocci Editore
Medicine and literature
Physicians; doctors
Roman Empire
Science and literature
Asclepiades of Bithynia
Scribonius Largus
Asclepius of Epidaurus
Hippocrates of Cos
Aurelianus, Caelius
Time Periods
13th century
14th century
18th century
Alexandria (Egypt)
Rome (Italy)
Mediterranean region

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