Steinicke, Wolfgang (Author)
This paper summarizes the results of the first comprehensive study of the many people who visited William and Caroline Herschel at their homes in Bath, Datchet, Clay Hall and Slough. It covers the period from 1777 to William’s death in 1822. The research is based on various documents, notably the three Visitors’ Books written by Caroline and others. The investigation resulted in a large dataset that was statistically analyzed. It contains information about the times and places of the visits, as well as biographical data on the guests, and their professions, status and nationalities. A particular focus is on visits by astronomers, physicists and musicians, and the observations that they made with Herschel’s telescopes. This study provides an insight into scientific life at the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, in which the Herschels played an important role due to their astronomical discoveries, innovative instruments and new observing techniques.
Wolfgang Steinicke;
William Herschel Discoverer of the Deep Sky: The epochal work of the greatest visual observer and his talented sister Caroline
Wolfgang Steinicke;
William Herschel: Discoverer of the Deep Sky
Hoskin, Michael A.;
Discoverers of the Universe: William and Caroline Herschel
Dr Emily Winterburn;
The Quiet Revolution of Caroline Herschel: The Lost Heroine of Astronomy
Hoskin, Michael;
William Herschel and Herschelian Reflectors
Martin Schneider;
Von der Musik zur Astronomie. Die Geschwister William und Caroline Herschel (From music to astronomy. The siblings William and Caroline Herschel)
Hoskin, Michael A.;
The Herschels of Hanover
Wolfgang Steinicke;
William Herschel's 'Hole in the Sky' and the discovery of dark nebulae
Hoskin, Michael;
The Herschel Partnership: As Viewed by Caroline
Ring, Francis;
Telescopes and Astronomy: The Herschels in Bath
Holmes, Richard;
The Age of Wonder
Hoskin, Michael A.;
William and Caroline Herschel: Pioneers in Late 18th-Century Astronomy
Hoskin, Michael;
George III's Purchase of Herschel Reflectors
Hoskin, Michael;
Caroline Herschel: “The Unquiet Heart”
Essay Review
Winterburn, Emily;
Caroline Herschel's Perspective
Wiegand, Dometa J.;
On All Sides Infinity
Henry J. Noltie;
The Heriot of Ramornie annotated copy of Flora Glottiana: An early nineteenth-century Flora of Fife
Joan L. Richards;
Generations of Reason: A Family’s Search for Meaning in Post-Newtonian England
Ashworth, William B.;
Faujas-de-Saint-Fond Visits the Herschels at Datchet
Hoskin, Michael;
William Herschel and the Nebulae, Part 2: 1785--1818
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