Book ID: CBB421940112

Purpose and Cognition: Edward Tolman and the Transformation of American Psychology (2018)


Carroll, David (Author)

Cambridge University Press
Publication date: 2018
Language: English

Publication Date: 2018
Physical Details: 282

This book discusses the development of Edward Tolman's purposive behaviourism from the 1920s to the 1950s, highlighting the tension between his references to cognitive processes and the dominant behaviourist trends. It shows how Tolman incorporated concepts from European scholars, including Egon Brunswik and the Gestalt psychologists, to justify a more purposive form of behaviourism and how the theory evolved in response to the criticisms of his contemporaries. The manuscript also discusses Tolman's political activities, culminating in his role in the California loyalty oath controversy in the 1950s. Tolman was involved in a number of progressive causes during his lifetime, activities that drew the attention of both state legislators in California and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It treats Tolman's theoretical and political activities as emanating from the same source, a desire to understand the learning process in a scientific manner and to apply these concepts to improve the human condition.

Reviewed By

Review José M. Gondra (2018) Review of "Purpose and Cognition: Edward Tolman and the Transformation of American Psychology". Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (pp. 150-151). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Jerome, Fred
Andrick, John M.
Araujo, Saulo de Freitas
Borisov, V. P.
Clark, David O.
Fangerau, Heiner
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
History of the Human Sciences
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
History of Psychiatry
History of Psychology
Duke University Press
Johns Hopkins University Press
Peter Lang
St. Martin's Press
The MIT Press
Baraka Books
Science and politics
Scientific communities; interprofessional relations
Cold War
Einstein, Albert
Armstrong, Neil
Asimov, Isaac
Beckett, Samuel
Bethe, Hans Albrecht
Chomsky, Noam
Time Periods
20th century
20th century, late
20th century, early
19th century
21st century
United States
Great Britain
Soviet Union
United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Radio Corporation of America
National Research Council (U.S.)

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