Luana Salvarini (Author)
A stage in the reception of Galen in Latin: Juan Huarte's Examen de ingenios (1575) · Juan Huarte’s Examen de ingenios para la sciencias, the work of a Spanish physician aiming at systematizing the correspondences between temperaments, mental faculties and cognitive attitudes, reached in a few decades a large audience all over Europe and contributed to the diffusion of Galenism in disciplines other than medicine for at least two centuries. In this article we assess, through comparison and exclusion, which Latin translations of Galen were read and quoted by Huarte, and which was the edition of Galen’s work which he made reference to. This assessment aims at being a starting point for further research on the reuse of Galen in Huarte’s text and, in perspective, on the formation of a common core of Galenic ‘lieux communs’ across European reflection on education, politics and the organization of human society.
Thibault Miguet;
Deux nouveaux témoins fragmentaires du De constitutione artis medicae ad Patrophilum de Galien
Stèphane Berlier;
Les éditions en grec et en latin du De usu partium de Galien. Synthèse et nouveaux éléments
Stefania Fortuna;
Pseudo-Galenic texts in the editions of Galen (1490-1689)
Sara von Seggern;
Vindician als Literat. Untersuchungen zur Epistula ad Valentinianum
Christina Savino;
Sul testo e la tradizione dei Simulanti di Galeno. Indagine preliminare (con un saggio di edizione)
Vito Lorusso;
Metodo terapeutico: Libri I-II
Ivan Garofalo;
Il proemio della Methodus medendi di Galeno in greco, arabo, latino: Saggio di edizione e commento
Alessandra Scimone;
Unum quoddam corpus nova facie formatum: Caspar Wolf e la composizione dell'Harmonia Gynaeciorum
Klaus-Dietrich Fischer;
De medicina verborum traditorum in scriptis medicis post annum fere millesimum adhibita
Marie-Laure Monfort;
La paraphrase d'une traduction arabo-latine du De aere, aquis, locis publiée par Jacques Bogard
Danielle Jacquart;
Collecter les textes du Galien latin à la fin du Moyen Âge
Antoine Pietrobelli;
Deux traducteurs humanistes de Galien: Giovanni Bernardo Regazzola Feliciano et Jean Vassès
Argante Ciocci;
Federico Commandino: umanesimo matematico e rivoluzione scientifica
Elio Nenci;
L'edizione delle opere scientifiche del Rinascimento: tre esperienze a confronto
Michel-Pierre Lerner;
Alain-Philippe Segonds;
Éditer et traduire Copernic
Christian Bradley Flow;
Writing the Thesaurus of Latinity: A Study in the History of Philological Practice
Anna Maria Ieraci Bio;
Un nuovo frammento greco del commento di Giovanni Alessandrino in Hippocr. Epid. VI nel Vat. gr. 300
Klaus-Dietrich Fischer;
A Hunter in Need of a Gatherer: Notes on Glasgow, University Library, GB 247 MS Hunter 96 (T.4.13)
Maria Dorella Giangrasso;
Su due glosse del Laurentianus 74.5 al testo della Galène di Andromaco il Vecchio
Klaus-Dietrich Fischer;
Sergio Sconocchia;
Tradizione diretta e tradizione indiretta nei testi medici
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