Perrone Capano, Lucia (Author)
Il volume analizza le relazioni tra letteratura e matematica attraverso testi e autori della letteratura di lingua tedesca, da Novalis a Musil, Enzensberger e Kehlmann, mettendo in evidenza aspetti e forme di interconnessioni spesso profonde e imprescindibili, al di là della specializzazione e separazione degli ambiti. Nel dialogo tra matematica e letteratura si può vedere come il testo letterario apra uno spazio in cui si realizza un nuovo intreccio dei saperi e un produttivo confronto tra gli stessi. [Abstract translated by Google Translate: This is the abstract in English… The volume analyzes the relationships between literature and mathematics through texts and authors of German-language literature, from Novalis to Musil, Enzensberger and Kehlmann, highlighting aspects and forms of often profound and essential interconnections, beyond the specialization and separation of the fields. In the dialogue between mathematics and literature we can see how the literary text opens a space in which a new interweaving of knowledge and a productive comparison between them takes place.]
Holland, Jocelyn;
German Romanticism and Science: The Procreative Poetics of Goethe, Novalis, and Ritter
Kassenbrock, Brian W.;
Novalis and the Two Cultures: The Chiasmic Discourse of Mathematics, Philosophy and Poetics
Maria Luisa Roli;
Archeologia della scienza e della storia del progresso in Mausoleum di H.M. Enzensberger
Jan Kwapisz;
Socrates' Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything: Explaining the Arithmetical Riddles of AP 14
Lucia Perrone Capano;
Matematica e poesia in Novalis
Ilina, Ekaterina;
Beyond Observation Literature and Science in Kafka, Rilke, Mann and Musil
Cliver, Gwyneth E.;
Musil, Broch, and the Mathematics of Modernism
Marco Cilione;
Elisabetta Sirgiovanni;
Memory and Recollection in Antiquity
Wallmann, Elisabeth;
On Poets and Insects: Figures of the Human and Figures of the Insect in Pierre Perrin's Divers insectes, 1645
Green, Steven J.;
Volk, Katharina;
Forgotten Stars: Rediscovering Manilius' Astronomica
Peter Middleton;
Physics Envy: American Poetry and Science in the Cold War and After
Moira Paleari;
Gli scienziati di Durs Grünbein: la (de)costruzione poetica di Galileo Galilei e René Descartes
Purton, Valerie;
Darwin, Tennyson and Their Readers: Explorations in Victorian Literature and Science
Carlo Bernardini;
L'universo in una formula: scienza o poesia?
Buckland, Adelene;
Novel Science: Fiction and the Invention of Nineteenth-Century Geology
Evans, Meredith;
Matrices of Force: Spinozist Monism and Margaret Cavendish's Description of a New World, Called the Blazing World
Polizzi, Gaspare;
Leopardi e “Le ragioni della verità”: Scienze e filosofia della natura negli scritti leopardiani
Zimmerman, Virginia;
“Time Seemed Fiction”---Archaeological Encounters in Victorian Poetry
Miguélez-Cavero, Laura;
Cosmic and Terrestrial Personifications in Nonnus' Dionysiaca
Essay Review
Riley, Mark;
[Essay review]
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