Linguerri, Sandra (Author)
The current paper presents the partial results of an ongoing research which aims to shed light on the scientific and institutional events of the Italian military aerology from its origins to the Great War, with particular reference to the Royal Italian Aerology Service. The latter was founded in 1913 thanks to a coalition between the Royal Italian Talassographic Committee and the Ministry of War. The history of the Aerology Service is in tight connection with some notable pioneers of the Italian aviation, such as Maurizio Mario Moris and Gaetano Arturo Crocco, and with Vito Volterra, a renowned physicist-mathematician and manager of the research policy during Italy’s liberal years.
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Bruno Marcuzzo;
L'universo parabolico della Grande Guerra: I 100.000 bombardieri e l'artiglieria da trincea
Baucom, Donald R.;
Wakes of War: Contrails and the Rise of Air Power, 1918--1945---Part I: Early Sightings and Preliminary Explanations, 1918--1938
Scamehorn, H. Lee;
Balloons to Jets: A Century of Aeronautics in Illinois, 1855-1955
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The Optical Munitions Industry in Great Britain, 1888--1923
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Unmanned Systems of World Wars I and II
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L'Italia in volo? L'Istituto Centrale Aeronautico fra tecno-scienza e diplomazia
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Scienza e potenza: miti della guerra moderna, istituzioni scientifiche e politica di massa nell'Italia fascista (1935-1945)
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A "Corruption of British Science?": The Strategic Defense Initiative and British Technology Policy
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Our Germans: Project Paperclip and the National Security State
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The Development of British Naval Aviation, 1914–1918
Brady, Tim;
Advancements in powered flight before World War I; World War I; U.S. airlines before 1930
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World War I
Wray R. Johnson;
Biplanes at War: US Marine Corps Aviation in the Small Wars Era, 1915-1934
Benson, Erik;
Suspicious Allies: Wartime Aviation Developments and the Anglo-American International Airline Rivalry, 1939--45
González Redondo, Francisco A.;
González de Posada, Francisco;
Ciencia Aeronáutica y Milicia: Leonardo Torres Quevedo y el Servicio de Aerostación Militar, 1902-1908
Jungdahl, Adam;
Public Influence on the Proliferation of Military Aviation 1907--1912
Carl, Ann B.;
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