Elisabetta Strickland (Author)
Emmy Noether, figlia del noto matematico Max Noether, è stata anch’essa una straordinaria matematica e fondatrice dell’algebra moderna. Nata a Erlangen in Germania alla fine dell’Ottocento, fu una donna estremamente interessante, così carismatica da tenere testa ai più famosi matematici di quel tempo, docenti o visitatori dell’Università di Gottinga. In quanto ebrea, durante il nazismo fu costretta ad abbandonare il suo paese per gli Stati Uniti, dove morì poco dopo per le conseguenze di un intervento chirurgico. Albert Einstein scrisse nel necrologio sul “New York Times”: «Fräulein Noether è stata il più significativo genio matematico creativo mai nato da quando le donne hanno accesso a una educazione superiore». [Abstract translated by Google Translate: This is the abstract in English… Emmy Noether, daughter of the mathematician Max Noether, was also an extraordinary mathematician and founder of modern algebra. Born in Erlangen in Germany at the end of the 19th century, she was an extremely interesting woman, so charismatic that she stood up to the most famous mathematicians of that time, teachers or visitors to the University of Göttingen. As a Jew, during the Nazis she was forced to abandon her country for the United States, where she died shortly after due to the consequences of surgery. Albert Einstein wrote in his obituary in the New York Times: "Fräulein Noether was the most significant creative mathematical genius ever born since women had access to higher education".]
Mechthild Koreuber;
Emmy Noether, die Noether-Schule und die moderne Algebra - | Mechthild Koreuber | Springer
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Emmy Noether's First Great Mathematics and the Culmination of First-Phase Logicism, Formalism, and Intuitionism
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Episodes in the History of Modern Algebra (1800--1950)
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