After 1947, and the liquidation of the Union of Militant Atheists, the Soviet Znanie Society, besides scientific propaganda, had transferred to it the function of propagating atheistic views throughout the USSR. This chapter will analyze how the battle between scientific atheism and religious belief was waged from above domestically by the Soviet regime in the era of the Cold War. It will begin with an overview of the relationship between anti-religious propaganda and scientific enlightenment in the period 1918–1946, leading into the immediate post-Second World War era. The chapter will then analyze the Znanie Society’s role in this development during the early Cold War, document various well-known scientists and propagandists involved in its formation, as well as discuss its eventual fracturing from within.
...MoreBook Paul Betts; Stephen A. Smith (2016) Science, Religion and Communism in Cold War Europe.
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Die „saubere“ Atombombe. Die Bedeutung der Neutronenwaffe als Projektionsfl äche im Kalten Krieg (The “Clean” Atomic Bomb. The Significance of Neutron Weaponry as a Projection Screen during the Cold War)
Simo Mikkonen;
Interference or friendly gestures? Soviet cultural diplomacy and Finnish elections, 1945–56
Igor J. Polianski;
The Antireligious Museum: Soviet Heterotopia between Transcending and Remembering Religious Heritage
Froese, Paul;
The Plot to Kill God: Findings from the Soviet Experiment in Secularization
Soyfer, Valery N.;
Stalin and Fighters against Cellular Theory
Husband, William B.;
“Correcting Nature's Mistakes”: Transforming the Environment and Soviet Children's Literature, 1928--1941
Köhler, Piotr;
Botany and Lysenkoism in Poland
Löhr, Gebhard;
Max Planck -- ein Gegner des Christentums? Die Debatte um Plancks Haltung zur Religion nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
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The Ticket to the Soviet Soul: Science, Religion, and the Spiritual Crisis of Late Soviet Atheism
Donina, Irina Nikolaevna;
“Autobiographies of the Godless” as a Source on Mass Social Psychology in the Late 1920s and the Early 1930s (From Materials in the Manuscript Department of the State Museum of the History of Religion)
Gerardo Ienna;
Giulia Rispoli;
Naukovedenie: the social studies of science in the USSR and their international circulation
Maria Rogacheva;
The Private World of Soviet Scientists from Stalin to Gorbachev
Martin Schneider;
Hexenjagd in Ost und West: Zu den Wurzeln wissenschaftlicher Verfolgung im Kalten Krieg (Witch hunts in East and West: The roots of scientific persecution during the Cold War)
Lipkin, Harry J.;
Andrei Sakharov: Quarks and the Structure of Matter
Wolfe, Audra J.;
What Does It Mean to Go Public? The American Response to Lysenkoism, Reconsidered
Carla Konta;
Lo scienziato jugoslavo Ivan Supek tra attivismo antinucleare e collaborazione transnazionale
Solovey, Mark;
Science in the Cold War
Ivan Boldyrev;
Olessia Kirtchik;
On (Im)Permeabilities: Social and Human Sciences on Both Sides of the ‘Iron Curtain’
Federico Chiaricati;
Reti transnazionali di scienziati tra anni Cinquanta e Sessanta. Le Pugwash Conferences
Ilaria Zamburlini;
Scienziati sovietici e diritti umani. Il dialogo transatlantico dopo Helsinki (1975-1979)
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