Article ID: CBB391408908

Persecution and Patronage: Oscar Buneman’s Years in Britain (2016)


The German student Oscar Bünemann, in trouble with the Nazi authorities in the mid-1930s, chose to emigrate to Britain and pursue a PhD there. After emigration, his surname appears as Buneman. On the verge of completing his degree in 1940, he was detained as an enemy alien and spent almost a year in internment. Upon release, he found work as an atomic scientist in England, and went on to lead a post-war career as a pioneering plasma physicist in the USA.We study forced migration of European scientists before and during the Second World War, and scientific patronage in the host countries. Buneman’s case is interesting from several points of view. Being a non-Jewish, non-communist, anti-Nazi activist, he belongs to a group not much investigated by historians. His emigration from Germany was facilitated by his family’s business contacts in Britain. Being caught up in the wave of detainments of enemy aliens in 1940, he was assisted in pleading for release by the Society for the Protection of Science and Learning, the archives of which abound with information about refugee scientists from Nazi Germany. We have also had access to material not available to previous investigators, kindly provided by Buneman’s family.

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Authors & Contributors
Wolff, Stefan L.
Kragh, Helge S.
Weisel, Gary James
Bederson, Benjamin
Heilbron, John L.
Hoffmann, Dieter
Physics in Perspective
European Physical Journal H
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
Science and Education
Arcade Publishing
Karnac Books
Palgrave Macmillan
Emigration; immigration
National Socialism
Plasma physics
Science and politics
Einstein, Albert
Blau, Marietta
Bohm, David Joseph
Born, Max
Cassirer, Ernst
Eddington, Arthur Stanley
Time Periods
20th century, early
20th century
20th century, late
19th century
Great Britain
United States
East Germany
Soviet Union
American Physical Society

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