Lorenzi, Marcella Giulia (Author)
Francaviglia, Mauro (Author)
Si descrive brevemente da un punto di vista storico-epistemologico l’impianto della Matematica Greca, suddivisa nell’Aritmetica Pitagorica e nella Geometria Euclidea. L’Aritmetica intera e la concezione Pitagorica vengono brevemente presentate nei loro legami con l’interpretazione in chiave scientifica ed esoterica del Cosmo. La Geometria Euclidea viene brevemente discussa in rapporto al problema delle rette parallele – e delle sue implicazioni sulla dicotomia continuo/discreto e del problema della visione. [Abstract translated by Google Translate: This is the abstract in English… The origin of Greek mathematics is briefly described from a historical-epistemological point of view, and subdivided into Pythagorean Arithmetic and Euclidean Geometry. Arithmetic and the Pythagorean conception are briefly presented in their links with the scientific and esoteric interpretation of the Cosmos. Euclidean geometry is briefly discussed in relation to the problem of parallel lines - and of its implications on the continuous / discrete dichotomy and the problem of vision.
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Aritmetica euclidea e filosofia stoica
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L'antanairesi e la teoria armonica greca
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Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Means in Music Theory
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Figure, macchine, sogni. Saggi sulla scienza antica
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La versione latina dei Phænomena di Euclide nell’Urb. Lat. 1329
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How the estimate of √2 on YBC 7289 may have been calculated
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Archimede: un grande scienziato antico
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A Matter of Great Magnitude: The Conflict over Arithmetization in 16th-, 17th-, and 18th-Century English Editions of Euclid's Elements Books I Through VI (1561-1795)
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La destinée arabe des Données d’Euclide
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I principi nelle diverse concezioni della meccanica antica
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La physique et la philosophie: le tournant conceptuel du IVe siècle
Enrico Peruzzi;
Keplero e la natura degli enti matematici
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The Priority of Object over Method in Early Greek Mathematics
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Tales of Impossibility: The 2000-Year Quest to Solve the Mathematical Problems of Antiquity
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Euclid’s Fourth Postulate: Its authenticity and significance for the foundations of Greek mathematics
Berlinski, David;
The King of Infinite Space: Euclid and His Elements
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Reviel Netz;
Between music and geometry: a proposal for the early intended application of Euclid’s Elements Book X
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