Wissenschaftler sind als «Personen der Technik» für Innovationen in grossen Unternehmen der Stahlindustrie von entscheidender Bedeutung, unternehmenseigene Forschungsabteilungen bieten die nötige institutionelle Struktur mit entsprechenden personellen und technischen Ressourcen. Die Karriere Hubert Hauttmanns (1895-1982), Miterfinder des LD-Verfahrens, als Forscher und Forschungsleiter bei der GHH und der VÖEST bildet diese Funktionen exemplarisch ab. Da sich in der Stahlforschung viele Fragestellungen überhaupt erst aus der Produktion und Verarbeitung ergaben, konnten Personen wie Hauttmann an der Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft und Industrie neue Erkenntnisse gewinnen und leistungsfähige Forschungsorganisationen aufbauen. [As "people in technology", scientists are of crucial importance for innovations in large companies in the steel industry, while company-owned research departments provide the necessary institutional structure with the appropriate human and technical resources. The career of Hubert Hauttmann (1895-1982), co-inventor of the LD process, as a researcher and head of research at GHH and VÖEST exemplifies these functions. Since many questions in steel research arose in the first place from production and processing, people like Hauttmann were able to gain new insights at the interface of science and industry and build up efficient research organizations.]
Shintaro Sengoku;
Consortium-Based Open Innovation: Exploring a Unique and Optimal Model for Regional Biotechnology Industry
Samuel Milner;
(Summer 2018)
Review of unknown publication
Jan-Otmar Hesse;
Vom Röhren-Manager zum Verteidigungs-Staatssekretär und zurück: Der mehrfache Seitenwechsel von Ernst Wolf Mommsen (Revolving Doors: Ernst Wolf Mommsen’s journey from a Tube Manager to Under-Secretary of State for Defence and back)
Horst A. Wessel;
Der berufliche Werdegang der Mannesmann-Vorstandsvorsitzenden und ihre Arbeit im Team [The professional career of the Mannesmann CEOs and their teamwork]
Thomas E. Leary;
The Work of Rolling Rails in the 32'' Mill at Bethlehem Steel's Lackawanna Plant: Industrial Archeology and Labor History
Davids, Mila;
Verbong, Geert;
Absorptive Capacity in Solid-State Technology and International Knowledge Transfer: The Case of Philips
Yoo, Sangwoon;
Innovation in Practice: The "Technology Drive Policy" and the 4Mb DRAM R&D Consortium in South Korea in the 1980s and 1990s
Lamoreaux, Naomi R.;
Sokoloff, Kenneth Lee;
Financing Innovation in the United States, 1870 to the Present
Rooij, Arjan van;
Methods for Innovation: The Varying Role of Industrial Research in DSM's Nitrogen Fertilizer Business, 1925--1970
Wolverton, Mark;
(Summer 2009)
From the mind of R.T. Jones
Zachary Pirtle;
Jared Moore;
(September 2019)
Where Does Innovation Come From?: Project Hindsight, TRACEs, and What Structured Case Studies Can Say About Innovation
Hubert Weitensfelder;
Hundert Jahre Zunkunft? neue Technologien in Österreich seit 1918 - Aspekte und Diskurse (One hundred years of the future? new technologies in Austria since 1918 - aspects and discourses)
Ken Kobus;
City of Steel : How Pittsburgh became the world's steelmaking capital during the Carnegie era
Maximilian Fochler;
(April 2016)
Beyond and between academia and business: How Austrian biotechnology researchers describe high-tech startup companies as spaces of knowledge production
B. Zorina Khan;
Inventing ideas : patents, prizes, and the knowledge economy
Markus Flüggen;
Die Eigenkapitalrentabilität deutscher Industrieaktiengesellschaften 1925–1929 (The Return on Equity of German Industrial Stock Corporations 1925–1929)
Teresa da Silva Lopes;
Andrea Lluch;
Gaspar Martins Pereira;
(Summer 2020)
The Changing and Flexible Nature of Imitation and Adulteration: The Case of the Global Wine Industry, 1850–1914
Roberts, Joanne;
Luxury, Craft, Creativity, and Innovation
Denise Tsang;
(Autumn 2021)
Innovation in the British Video Game Industry since 1978
Leslie Berlin;
Troublemakers: Silicon Valley’s Coming of Age
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