Article ID: CBB373545874

Growing Up with Smartphones (December 2022)


Early migration scholarship on the transnational family has tended to portray stay-behind children as passive recipients of care and helpless victims of transnational migration. Despite the increasing sophistication of the literature highlighting children's active roles, empirical studies on transnational families focusing on understanding children's changing agency through time are still limited. We aim to fill this lacuna by offering a longitudinal perspective on children's changing agency in using communication technologies. Focusing on the “transition to adulthood” experiences of Filipino and Indonesian stay-behind children (from 9–11 years old to 17–19 years old), we examine how their agentic behavior and practices change in using information and communication technologies to negotiate power and autonomy within the transnational family. We show how the changes in the children's specific life course and the shifting digital divide that accompany these transitions shape the possibilities and limits to children's empowerment and agency in enacting family transnationally.

Associated with

Article Beatrice Zani; Isabelle Cockel (December 2022) Introduction—Migrants and Their Smartphones. Transfers (pp. 3-7). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Aguilar, Filomeno V., Jr.
Horst, Heather A.
Li, Yong
Neelakantan, Vivek
Poblete, Joanna
Robertson, Jo
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Journal of Asian Studies
Journal of Global History
Pacific Historical Review
Science, Technology, and Human Values
Duke University Press
Silkworm Books
Edward Elgar Publishing
Australian National University (ANU) Press
Palgrave Macmillan, published by Springer Nature
Emigration; immigration
Public policy
Public health
Foucault, Michel
Time Periods
21st century
19th century
20th century, late
20th century
20th century, early
Southeast Asia
United States
Myanmar (Burma)
World Health Organization (WHO)
League of Nations

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