Robert Sparrow (Author)
If people are inclined to attribute race to humanoid robots, as recent research suggests, then designers of social robots confront a difficult choice. Most existing social robots have white surfaces and are therefore, I suggest, likely to be perceived as White, exposing their designers to accusations of racism. However, manufacturing robots that would be perceived as Black, Brown, or Asian risks representing people of these races as slaves, especially given the historical associations between robots and slaves at the very origins of the project of robotics. The only way engineers might avoid this ethical and political dilemma is to design and manufacture robots to which people will struggle to attribute race. Doing so, however, would require rethinking the relationship between robots and “the social,” which sits at the heart of the project of social robotics. Discussion of the race politics of robots is also worthwhile because of the potential it has to generate insights about the politics of artifacts, the relationship between culture and technology, and the responsibilities of engineers.
Neda Atanasoski;
Kalindi Vora;
Surrogate Humanity: Race, Robots, and the Politics of Technological Futures
Blaszczyk, Regina Lee;
American Consumer Society, 1865--2005: From Hearth to HDTV
Nicholas Carr;
The Glass Cage: Where Automation is Taking Us
N. Ambrosetti;
Fighting with Rotating Blades, Boomerangs, and Crushing Punches: A History of Mecha from a Robotics Point of View
Lin, Tzung-De;
Theater as a Site for Technology Demonstration and Knowledge Production: Theatrical Robots in Japan and Taiwan
Šabanović, Selma;
Inventing Japan's “Robotics Culture”: The Repeated Assembly of Science, Technology, and Culture in Social Robotics
Magnet, Shoshana;
Robots and Insects: Gender, Sexuality, and Engagement in “Mixed Societies” of Cockroaches and Robots
Castañeda, Claudia;
Suchman, Lucy;
Robot Visions
Kilgore, D. W. D.;
Difference Engine: Aliens, Robots, and Other Racial Matters in the History of Science Fiction
Awa Hanane Diagne;
Emily Grenon;
Syeda Hasan;
Holly K. M. Johnstone;
Edward Jones-Imhotep;
Alexander Offord;
Neve Ostry Young;
Sarai Rudder;
The Black Androids: A Chrestomathy
Wang, Zuoyue;
Engineering a New Space: Chinese American Scientists and Engineers in Aerospace in Southern California
Rebecca Retzlaff;
Ryan Reft;
Phillips de Lucas, Amanda K.,;
Justice and the Interstates : The racist truth about urban highways
Caddoo, Cara;
“Put Together to Please a Colored Audience”: Black Churches, Motion Pictures, and Migration at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Blake, Art M.;
Audible Citizenship and Audiomobility: Race, Technology, and CB Radio
Labelle, Maurice M., Jr.;
De-Coca-Colonizing Egypt: Globalization, Decolonization, And the Egyptian Boycott of Coca-Cola, 1966--68
Wallace, Maurice O.;
Smith, Shawn Michelle;
Pictures and Progress: Early Photography and the Making of African American Identity
Arnold, David J.;
Everyday Technology: Machines and the Making of India's Modernity
Fouché, Rayvon;
Say It Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud: African Americans, American Artifactual Culture, and Black Vernacular Technological Creativity
Johnston, Andrew Scott;
Mercury and the Making of California: Mining, Landscape, and Race, 1840--1890
de la Peña, Carolyn;
The History of Technology, the Resistance of Archives, and the Whiteness of Race
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