Carse, Ashley (Author)
"In this innovative book, Ashley Carse traces the water that flows into and out from the Panama Canal to explain how global shipping is entangled with Panama's cultural and physical landscapes. By following container ships as they travel downstream along maritime routes and tracing rivers upstream across the populated watershed that feeds the canal, he explores the politics of environmental management around a waterway that links faraway ports and markets to nearby farms, forests, cities, and rural communities. Carse draws on a wide range of ethnographic and archival material to show the social and ecological implications of transportation across Panama. The Canal moves ships over an aquatic staircase of locks that demand an enormous amount of fresh water from the surrounding region. Each passing ship drains 52 million gallons out to sea -- a volume comparable to the daily water use of half a million Panamanians. Infrastructures like the Panama Canal, Carse argues, do not simply conquer nature; they rework ecologies in ways that serve specific political and economic priorities. Interweaving histories that range from the depopulation of the U.S. Canal Zone a century ago to road construction conflicts and water hyacinth invasions in canal waters, the book illuminates the human and nonhuman actors that have come together at the margins of the famous trade route. 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the Panama Canal. Beyond the Big Ditch calls us to consider how infrastructures are materially embedded in place, producing environments with winners and losers."--Publisher's description.
...MoreReview Patrick Carroll (2016) Review of "Beyond the Big Ditch: Politics, Ecology, and Infrastructure at the Panama Canal". Technology and Culture (pp. 467-469).
Review Jamie McEvoy (2016) Review of "Beyond the Big Ditch: Politics, Ecology, and Infrastructure at the Panama Canal". Environmental History (pp. 403-405).
Marixa Lasso;
Ashley Carse;
Christine Keiner;
Pamela M. Henson;
Paul S. Sutter;
Megan Raby;
Blake Scott;
Panama Canal Forum: From the Conquest of Nature to the Construction of New Ecologies
Carse, Ashley;
Nature as Infrastructure: Making and Managing the Panama Canal Watershed
Alexander Klose;
The container principle: how a box changes the way we think
Ashley Carse;
Beyond the big ditch: politics, ecology, and infrastructure at the Panama Canal
Maria Borovnik;
(December 2017)
Nighttime Navigating Moving a Container Ship through Darkness
Cynthia A. Ruder;
Building Stalinism: The Moscow Canal and the Creation of Soviet Space
Brian Phillips Murphy;
Building the Empire State: Political Economy in the Early Republic
William W. Buzbee;
Fighting Westway: Environmental Law, Citizen Activism, and the Regulatory War That Transformed New York City
Maurer, Noel;
Yu, Carlos;
The Big Ditch: How America Took, Built, Ran, and Ultimately Gave Away the Panama Canal
Anna Domizia Bianco;
Aqua ducta, aqua distribuita. La gestione delle risorse idriche in età romana
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Water and revolution: The politics, ecology and technology of agrarian reform in ‘La Laguna’ Mexico
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Remaking Berlin: A History of the City through Infrastructure, 1920–2020
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Wells and Boreholes: Resilient Water Provision in Nairobi
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Si durabit tregua intra aquam et nos: fiumi e castelli mantovani nel trecento
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Pietro C. Marani;
Leonardo e le acque in Lombardia. Dal "Primo Libro delle Acque" ai "Diluvi"
Floriana Petracco;
Il divertimento delle acque. Irrigazione e bonifica tra cinque e seicento nella provincia cremonese: il caso del diversivo magio, infrastruttura privata di utilità pubblica
Marixa Lasso;
Erased: The Untold Story of the Panama Canal
Waldemar Kuligowski;
(March 2019)
How “Poland Entered Europe”: The Motorway as a Space of Neoliberalism
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