Dawson, Mark S. (Author)
Bodily contrasts from the colour of hair, eyes and skin to the shape of faces and skeletons - allowed the English of the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries to discriminate systematically among themselves and against non-Anglophone groups. Making use of an array of sources, this book examines how early modern English people understood bodily difference. It demonstrates that individuals' distinctive features were considered innate, even as discrete populations were believed to have characteristics in common, and challenges the idea that the humeral theory of bodily composition was incompatible with visceral inequality or racism. While 'race' had not assumed its modern valence, and 'racial' ideologies were still to come, such typecasting nonetheless had mundane, lasting consequences. Grounded in humoral physiology, and Christian universalism notwithstanding, bodily prejudices inflected social stratification, domestic politics, sectarian division and international relations.
Nic John Ramos;
Pathologizing the Crisis: Psychiatry, Policing, and Racial Liberalism in the Long Community Mental Health Movement
Stephen Snelders;
Leprosy and Colonialism: Suriname Under Dutch Rule, 1750-1950
Harrison, Mark;
Climates and Constitutions: Health, Race, Environment and British Imperialism in India, 1600-1850
Sarah Toulalan;
‘Elderly years cause a Total dispaire of Conception’: Old Age, Sex and Infertility in Early Modern England
Jamie C. Kassler;
Newton’s Sensorium: Anatomy of a Concept
Halliday, Tony;
The Temperamental Nude: Class, Medicine and Representation in Eighteenth-Century France
Heather Meek;
‘Meanders of [the] Purple Flood’: Blood and Bloodletting in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Medicine
Lloyd, Paul S.;
Dietary Advice and Fruit-Eating in Late Tudor and Early Stuart England
Jonathan Barry;
Educating Physicians in Seventeenth-Century England
Furdell, Elizabeth Lane;
Royal Doctors, 1485-1714: Medical Personnel at the Tudor and Stuart Courts
Jeroen Salman;
Print and the Medical Marketplace in the Early Modern Dutch Republic
Wallis, Patrick;
Exotic Drugs and English Medicine: England's Drug Trade, c. 1550--c. 1800
McGuire, Laurette Ann;
Native Americans and Type 2 Diabetes: The Discourse of Predisposition and Its Politics
Presti, Roberto Lo;
Shaping the Difference: The Medical Inquiry into the Nature of Places and the Early Birth of Anthropology in the Hippocratic Treatise Airs Waters Places
Hobgood, Allison P.;
Wood, David Houston;
Recovering Disability in Early Modern England
David Chanoff;
Louis W. Sullivan;
We'll Fight It Out Here: A History of the Ongoing Struggle for Health Equity
Amanda Taylor;
The Compounded Body: Bodily Knowledge Production in the Works of Andreas Vesalius and Edmund Spenser
Arikha, Noga;
Passions and Tempers: A History of the Humours
Altschuler, Sari;
From Blood Vessels to Global Networks of Exchange: The Physiology of Benjamin Rush's Early Republic
Jae-Hyung Kim;
Death and Survival of Patients with Hansen’s Disease in Colonial Korea
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