Hepler-Smith, Evan (Author)
Legal and political claims about environmental chemicals typically address such substances on a molecule-by-molecule basis. This article argues that this approach is not determined solely by the nature of chemicals. Rather, it is the product of legal structures, administrative procedures, regulatory lists, information systems, and nomenclature conventions, which I collectively term “molecular bureaucracy.” This article traces the development of molecular bureaucracy, a global framework of environmental governance grounded in American regulatory infrastructure, and its political and environmental consequences. It does so by following the history of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, synthetic chemicals in widespread use since the 1950s whose toxicity has become a prominent subject of research and public concern since the late 1990s. Molecular bureaucracy originated in a classification system based on molecular identity developed to make chemical information accessible to the late nineteenth-century synthetic chemicals industry. It came to structure environmental law and politics through, first, the efforts of 1960s US policy-makers to render toxic hazards subject to government control through computer-based information coordination and, second, a vision of chemical holism within the nascent US Environmental Protection Agency and the Toxic Substances Control Act, which sought to accommodate the global environment to rational administration by aggregating diverse toxic hazards and reframing them as abstract chemical substances. The history of molecular bureaucracy offers valuable insights for present-day efforts to ground toxic substances scholarship and politics in alternative conceptions of environmental chemicals.
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Early Industrial Roots of Green Chemistry - II: International “Pollution Prevention” Efforts During the 1970’s and 1980’s
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DOCUMERICA and the Power of Environmental History
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Speaking for the River: Confronting Pollution on the Willamette, 1920s-1970s
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The Science of Bureaucracy: Risk Decision-Making and the US Environmental Protection Agency
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Love Canal: A Toxic History from Colonial Times to the Present
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Valuing Clean Air: The EPA and the Economics of Environmental Protection
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Unheeded Science: Taking Precaution out of Toxic Water Pollutants Policy
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The National Environmental Policy Act in the Green Decade, 1969--1981
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The Environmental Protection Agency: Cleaning Up America's Act
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A Biography of Endocrine Disruptors: The Narrative Surrounding the Appearance and Regulation of a New Category of Toxic Substances
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Jas, Nathalie;
Toxicants, Health and Regulation since 1945
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The Many Pollutant Identities of Carbon Dioxide: Global Climate Monitoring and Air Pollution Research in New Zealand, 1968–1975
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The Alkali Inspectorate, 1874--1906: Pressure for Wider and Tighter Pollution Regulation
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Minamata Disease: Interaction Between Government, Scientists, and Media
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Itai-itai Disease: Lessons for the Way to Environmental Regeneration
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