Reber, Vera Blinn (Author)
This book focuses on the era during which the cause of tuberculosis had been identified, and public health officials were seeking to prevent it, but scientists had not yet found a cure. By examining tuberculosis comparatively in two Atlantic port cities, Buenos Aires and Philadelphia, it explores the medical, political and economic settings in which patients, physicians and urban officials lived and worked. Reber discusses the causes of tuberculosis, treatments and public health efforts to stop contagion, and how factors such as gender, age, class, nationality, beliefs and previous experiences shaped patient responses, and often defined the type of treatment.
...MoreReview Kelly Urban (2019) Review of "Tuberculosis in the Americas, 1870-1945: Beneath the Anguish in Philadelphia and Buenos Aires". Bulletin of the History of Medicine (pp. 621-622).
Armus, Diego;
La ciudad impura: Salud, tuberculosis y cultura en Buenos Aires, 1870--1950
Armus, Diego;
The Ailing City: Health, Tuberculosis, and Culture in Buenos Aires, 1870--1950
Pablo von Stecher;
Una educación integral para los médicos de la Universidad de Buenos Aires: las propuestas de José Ramos Mejía y Bernardo Houssay entre 1870-1940
Álvarez, Adriana;
La experiencia de ser un 'niño débil y enfermo' lejos de su hogar: el caso del Asilo Marítimo, Mar del Plata (1893--1920)
Armus, Diego;
Avatares de la medicalización en América latina 1870-1970
Dhan Zunino Singh;
(June 2017)
A Genealogy of Sexual Harassment of Female Passengers in Buenos Aires Public Transport
José Buschini;
Los primeros pasos en la organización de la lucha contra el cáncer en la Argentina: el papel del Instituto de Medicina Experimental, 1922-1947
María Alejandra Pupio;
Emma Nozzi, School Teacher and Provincial Collector (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
González Korzeniewski, Manuel A.;
El mito fundacional de la homeopatía argentina. La Revista Homeopatía, Buenos Aires (1933--1940)
Roberts, Samuel Kelton;
Infectious fear: Tuberculosis, public health, and the logic of race and illness in Baltimore, Maryland, 1880--1930
Higgins, Jim;
B. Franklin Royer: A Half Century in Public Health
Bay, Alexander R.;
Beriberi in Modern Japan: The Making of a National Disease
Herrero, Maria Belen;
Carbonetti, Adrian;
La mortalidad por tuberculosis en Argentina a lo largo del siglo XX
Brinkman, P. D.;
Vizcaíno, S. F.;
Clemente Onelli's Sketch Map and His First-Hand, Retrospective Account of an Early Fossil-Hunting Expedition along the Río Santa Cruz, Southern Patagonia, 1888–1889
Pablo Souza;
Diego Hurtado;
El uso político del teatro. Sociabilidad científica y médica en la ciudad de Buenos Aires (1870-1920)
Di Pasquale, Mariano;
Diego Alcorta y la difusión de saberes médicos en Buenos Aires, 1821--1842
Condran, Gretchen A.;
Murphy, Jennifer;
Defining and Managing Infant Mortality: A Case Study of Philadelphia, 1870--1920
Pencak, William;
Free Health Care for the Poor: The Philadelphia Dispensary
Alborn, Timothy L.;
Insurance against Germ Theory: Commerce and Conservatism in Late-Victorian Medicine
Jones, Susan D.;
Mapping a Zoonotic Disease: Anglo-American Efforts to Control Bovine Tuberculosis Before World War I
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