Callapez, Maria Elvira (Author)
Marques da Cruz, Sara (Author)
Neto, Marta Martins (Author)
Plastics represented a revolutionary landmark during the twentieth century in many aspects of our everyday lives. They are seen as the result of technological, scientific, industrial and engineering developments, thus playing an increasingly important and sophisticated role in areas such as medicine, electronics, aeronautics, automobile industry, food, construction industry, among others. The strong relationship between plastics and the social, cultural, economic, aesthetic and industrial spheres has been very visible. In addition to their initial acceptance and popularity, these materials are generating a range of feelings and emotions all over the world, crossing different people, economies and geographies. After the Second World War, plastics were widely adopted by the society but in these days their image is associated with its growing environmental impact. This paper is part of an ongoing research project where we intend to analyse the role of plastics in Portuguese society between the 1950s and 1990s, at a time of great political, industrial and technological changes. We aim to explore how, and if, consumers’ habits and attitudes influenced industrial production, namely, creating novel materials or new products. The connections between consumerism, attitudes, and the limit of plastics in Portugal are going to be analysed as well.
Wolverton, Mark;
(Fall 2009)
The Father of Video Games
Fisher, Tom;
A World of Colour and Bright Shining Surfaces: Experiences of Plastics after the Second World War
Dinius, Oliver J.;
Brazil's Steel City Developmentalism, Strategic Power, and Industrial Relations in Volta Redonda, 1941--1964
Marco Venanzi;
Carbone, lignite e acciaio. La battaglia per l'energia. L'acciaieria di Terni e le miniere di lignite umbre dal 1860 al 1960
Ben Ford;
The Cruttenden Carriage Works: The Development and Decline of Carriage Production in New Haven, Connecticut
Uhl, Karsten;
Die Geschlechterordnung der Fabrik. Arbeitswissenschaftliche Entwürfe von Rationalisierung und Humanisierung, 1900--1970
Lou Martin;
Smokestacks in the Hills: Rural-Industrial Workers in West Virginia
Franco Angotti;
Giuseppe Pelosi;
Simonetta Soldani;
Alle radici della moderna ingegneria: Competenze e opportunità nella Firenze dell'Ottocento
Alanen, Arnold R.;
Morgan Park: Duluth, U.S. Steel, and the Forging of a Company Town
Satoru Kobori;
(April 2022)
When Energy Efficiency Begets Air Pollution: Fuel Conservation in Japan's Steel Industry, 1945–60
Jadviga M. da Costa Nunes;
The Industrial Landscape in America, 1800-1840: Ideology into Art
Luc-André Brunet;
Patrons Résistants? French industrialists during the Second World War
Tetsuji Okazaki;
Disentangling the effects of technological and organizational changes during the rise of the factory: the case of the Japanese weaving industry, 1905-14
Fressoz, Jean-Baptiste;
L'industrie chimique et la compensation des dommages environnementaux, 1800--1850
Hills, Richard L.;
Development of Power in the Textile Industry from 1700--1930
Liveseya, Ruth;
The Politics of Work: Feminism, Professionalisation, and Women Inspectors of Factories and Workshops
Marsh, Allison C.;
The Ultimate Vacation: Watching Other People Work; A History of Factory Tours in America, 1880--1950
Lamm, M.;
(Spring 2007)
The Fiberglass Story
Bijker, W. E.;
La construcción social de la baquelita: Hacia una teoria de la invención
Bijker, W. E.;
La construcción social de la baquelita; Hacia una teoría de la invención
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