Morris, Andrew M. A. (Author)
John Theophilus Desaguliers (1683–1744) was a French-born English Huguenot who made his name as a public lecturer in London and a demonstrator at the Royal Society, writing a very popular introduction to Isaac Newton's natural philosophy, the two-volume A course of experimental philosophy (1734–1744). This paper looks at the influence of three French natural philosophers, Edme Mariotte (1620–1684), Antoine Parent (1666–1716) and Bernard Forest de Bélidor (1698–1761), on the account of waterwheel functioning in the second volume of that work. The aim of the paper is to show that, although Desaguliers demonstrated a commitment to Newton's work, his own natural philosophical objectives also led him to borrow ideas from natural philosophers outside Newton's direct sphere of influence. To do this I shall give an account of what Desaguliers appropriated from Newton's Principia, how it fitted in with his own project and how he also made use of other natural philosophers' theories in his discussion of fluid mechanics. This will hopefully result in a more nuanced conception of Desaguliers' ‘Newtonianism’ that takes into account the diverse sources and influences in his work.
Lauro Alberto Barbaresi;
Progettazione ed evoluzione delle macchine nell'antica Roma: Macchine idrauliche operatrici
Ducheyne, Steffen;
The Times and Life of John Th. Desaguliers (1683--1744): Newtonian and Freemason
Francesco Luzzini;
L’Itale Terre a vagheggiare inteso. La regolazione dell’Adige nel XVIII secolo: tra storia e scienza
Traetta, Luigi;
The Universality of Natural Energy. Bernard Forest De Bélidor and Hydraulic Machines
Suay Belenguer, Juan Miguel;
Los Molinos y las Cometas por Mr. Euler le fils. Modelos matemáticos para las máquinas hidráulicas en el siglo XVIII
Eckert, Michael;
Euler and the Fountains of Sanssouci
Wigelsworth, Jeffrey R.;
Competing to Popularize Newtonian Philosophy: John Theophilus Desaguliers and the Preservation of Reputation
Pat Rogers;
The York Buildings Dragons: Desaguliers, Arbuthnot and Attitudes Towards the Scientific Community
Carpenter, Audrey T.;
John Theophilus Desaguliers: A Natural Philosopher, Engineer and Freemason in Newtonian England
Simon, Julia;
Diverting Water in Rousseau: Technology, the Sublime, and the Quotidian
Cesare S. Maffioli;
La sperimentazione in campo idraulico: Giovanni Poleni e Francesco Domenico Michelotti
Epple, Moritz;
The Gap between Theory and Practice: Hydrodynamical and Hydraulical Utopias in the 18th Century
Luigi Traetta;
L'ingegnere che ricostruì una storia. Bélidor e le macchine ai tempi di Leonardo
Dijksterhuis, Fokko Jan;
Reading Up on the Opticks. Refashioning Newton's Theories of Light and Colors in Eighteenth-Century Textbooks
Ducheyne, Steffen;
The Main Business of Natural Philosophy: Isaac Newton's Natural-Philosophical Methodology
Fara, Patricia;
Elizabeth Tollet: A New Newtonian Woman
Jamie C. Kassler;
Newton’s Sensorium: Anatomy of a Concept
Andrew M. A. Morris;
English engineer John Smeaton's experimental method(s): Optimisation, hypothesis testing and exploratory experimentation
David Hardwick;
Investigating the Newcomen Pumping Engine House at Brislington Near Bristol
James Greener;
The First and Third Engines
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