Book ID: CBB343661509

Chinese hinterland capitalism and Shanxi piaohao : Banking, state, and family, 1720-1910 (2021)


Luman Wang (Author)

Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group
Publication date: 2021
Language: English

Publication Date: 2021
Physical Details: 195

This book examines Shanxi piaohao-private financiers from the Chinese hinterland-in the economic and business history of late imperial China, forming the original theory of Chinese hinterland capitalism. Deepening the existing understanding of capitalist dynamics at work in the families and financial institutions of late imperial China, the book foregrounds the expansionist role played by Shanxi piaohao in transforming China's market and trade from an agrarian empire to a modern nation state. In a departure for economic history, it also focuses on the histories of the people and their lifeworlds behind financial institutions, which have previously been erased by universal capitalist narratives. Persistent binary oppositions between coastal areas and hinterland; state and market; and institutions and families are each transcended in recounting the local histories of global capital in the marginalized countryside and borderlands of China. Based on a wealth of archival material and correspondence with Shanxi piaohao offices and branches, Chinese Hinterland Capitalism and Shanxi Piaohao will appeal to students and scholars of Chinese and economic history, anthropology, and postcolonial studies more generally.

Reviewed By

Review Matthew Lowenstein (2022) Review of "Chinese hinterland capitalism and Shanxi piaohao : Banking, state, and family, 1720-1910". Business History Review (pp. 666-668). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Gao, Ce
Hahn, Barbara
Karl, Rebecca E.
Kocka, Jürgen
Lean, Eugenia
Luo, Guihuan
Comparative Studies in Society and History
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
Journal of Asian Studies
Kexue Jishu yu Bianzhengfa (Science, Technology, and Dialectics)
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu (Studies in the History of Natural Sciences)
Cambridge University Press
Oxford University Press
Harvard University
Duke University Press
Harvard University Press
Indiana University Press
Globalization; internationalization
Economic history
Science and politics
Cross-cultural interaction; cultural influence
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
20th century, early
20th century, late
21st century
United States
Shanxi Sheng (China)
New Orleans (Louisiana, U.S.)
Apple (firm)
Human Genome Project
Beijing Genomics Institute
New York Cotton Exchange

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