Bleidick, Dietmar (Author)
The Hoerder Verein marks the origins of the mining industry in the Dortmund region. In the Ruhr district, the sector had previously been represented mainly by Hüttengewerkschaft und Handlung Jacobi, Haniel & Huyssen (subsequently Gutehoffnungshütte) in Oberhausen and by Krupp in Essen. Now the Hoerder Verein not only openened up the east of the region for the first time, but in 1852 (following reorganisation of the Hermannshütte, which had been active since 1841) it became the very first Hütten-Aktiengesellschaft (stock corporation) – and one of the largest organisations of its kind in Germany with equity of two million thaler. Conceived from the outset as a vertically structured mining group, the Hoerder Verein was the first to implement a modern business model that was soon imitated by others and became established as the sector standard in the decades that followed. Starting with its own coal and ore deposits, the company covered the entire value chain from the production of steel and iron ore to the processing of intermediate and finished products. By the 1860s, the biggest blast furnace plant in the Ruhr was responsible for around one sixth of the total output. Taking the Hoerder Verein as an example, this paper explores the location-specific factors for the mining industry from the onset of industrialisation to the Panic of 1873. At its heart is the significance of the classic elements of raw materials, transport, sales and labour and the influence of these considerations on decisions regarding where to locate, plant structure and the success of the company. Of particular interest are the effects of transition (for example, as driven by technical innovations). Companies with similar general conditions provide a comparative template, as do decisions on location taken by organisations such as the Bochumer Verein and the Gutehoffnungshütte.
Jopp, Tobias A.;
Kapazitätsauslastung, Skaleneffizienz oder technischer Fortschritt? Was bestimmte die totale Faktorproduktivität der großen Unternehmen des Ruhrbergbaus in der Zwischenkriegszeit (1919 bis 1938)? [Capacity utilization, scale efficiency or technical change? Which factors determined total factor productivity of the large corporations in Ruhr coal mining in the interwar period (1919–1938)?]
Helmut Lackner;
Ausstellungsbesprechung: Das Zeitalter der Kohle. Eine europäische Geschichte. Eine Ausstellung des Ruhr Museums und des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums in der Kokerei Zollverein in Essen (Exhibition Review: The age of coal. A European history. An exhibition of the Ruhr Museum and the Deutsche Bergbau-Museum in the Zollverein coking plant in Essen)
Marco Rudzinski;
Der Zechenwohnungsbau des Bochumer Vereins im Ruhrgebiet vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg (Construction of miners' housing by the Bochumer Verein in the Ruhr district before the First World War)
Ron-David Heinen;
Vom "Kummer der Hausfrauen" zur Landmarke. Die Bergehalden des Ruhrgebiets und der Wandel des Mensch-Umwelt-Verhältnisses nach 1945 (From "anguish of housewives" to a landmark. The mine dumps of the Ruhr region and the transformation in the relationship between people and the environment post-1945)
Parak, Gisela;
"Industrielandschaft" und "Bergbaulandschaft" in der Fotografie der 1920er und 1930er Jahre ("Industrial Landscape" and "Mining Landscape" in Photography of the 1920s and 1930s)
Ken Kobus;
City of Steel : How Pittsburgh became the world's steelmaking capital during the Carnegie era
Andrei Vasilescu;
Magda Stavinschi;
1877- Henri Poincaré: le voyage d'étude et la fabrication de l'acier dans le Banat
Marco Venanzi;
Carbone, lignite e acciaio. La battaglia per l'energia. L'acciaieria di Terni e le miniere di lignite umbre dal 1860 al 1960
Christian Beyer;
Die Oberschlesische Kohlenkonvention – eine "kleine Familienvereinigung"? (The Upper Silesian Coal Convention – a "family affair"?)
Rosalind Shipley;
The Town That Photography Built: Images from the Consolidation Coal Company Photograph Collection, 1911–1946
Paul Lucier;
Comstock Capitalism: The Law, the Lode, and the Science
Olsson, Sven-Olof;
Teknikspridning och arbetsförändring inom svensk vapenindustri; (Technical dissemination and change of work in the Swedish weapons industry)
Rasch, Manfred;
Die Steinhauser Hütte in Witten, ein Denkmal der Frühindustrialisierung des Ruhrgebiets, nach über 100 Jahren zufällig wiederentdeckt. (The Steinhauser Works in Witten, a monument to the early industrialization of the Ruhr area, rediscovered by chance after more than 100 years.)
Dimitrios Theodoridis;
Paul Warde;
Astrid Kander;
Trade and overcoming land constraints in British industrialization: an empirical assessment
Beverley F. Ronalds;
Bringing Together Academic and Industrial Chemistry: Edmund Ronalds’ Contribution
Michael W. Nagle;
Justus S. Stearns: Michigan pine king and Kentucky coal baron, 1845-1933
Jadviga M. da Costa Nunes;
Pennsylvania's Anthracite Mines and Miners: A Portrait of the Industry in America Art, c. 1860-1940
Daniel D. Mayer;
The Industrial Archeology of Retail Coal Yards in Upstate New York
Jadviga M. da Costa Nunes;
From Monuments to Memory Sites: Representing Pennsylvania's Anthracite Industry in Public Sculpture, 1855-2010
On Barak;
Powering Empire: How Coal Made the Middle East and Sparked Global Carbonization
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