Ceccarelli, David (Author)
Scholars have often considered evolutionary social theories a product of Positivist scientism and the naturalization of ethics. Yet the theistic foundations of many evolutionary theories proposed between the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries bolstered the belief that following natural laws was morally desirable, if not vital, to guaranteeing social and moral progress. In the early twentieth century, American paleontologist and leading evolutionist Henry Fairfield Osborn represented one of the most authoritative advocates of this interpretation of natural normativity. Particularly during the last years of his career, Osborn used theological arguments to reinforce his advocacy of evolutionary ethics and social control policies, which led him to challenge his “old master” Thomas Huxley regarding the separation between evolution and moral conduct. This article examines the development of Osborn’s evolutionary ethics, with particular regard to its bearing on the American debate on euthenics. I argue that theistic topics played a major rhetorical role in the attempt to justify normative conclusions drawn from ostensible laws of evolution.
Regal, Brian;
Henry Fairfield Osborn: Race and the Search for the Origins of Man
Homchick, Julie;
Objects and Objectivity: The Evolution Controversy at the American Museum of Natural History, 1915--1928
England, Richard;
Design after Darwin, 1860--1900
Katherine McLeod;
The Call of the Hoatzin: Ecology, Evolution, and Eugenics at the Bronx Zoo
Cantor, G. N.;
Swetlitz, Marc;
Jewish Tradition and the Challenge of Darwinism
Sommer, Marianne;
The Lost World as Laboratory: The Politics of Evolution between Science and Fiction in the Early Decades of Twentieth-Century America
MacPherson, Ryan Cameron;
The Vestiges of Creation and America's Pre-Darwinian Evolution Debates: Interpreting Theology and the Natural Sciences in Three Academic Communities
Diarmid A. Finnegan;
Of Snails and Salvation: The Theological Construction of John Thomas Gulick’s Theory of Evolution
Stanley, Matthew;
Huxley's Church and Maxwell's Demon: From Theistic Science to Naturalistic Science
Laura Kotevska;
Moral improvement through mathematics: Antoine Arnauld and Pierre Nicole’s Nouveaux éléments de géométrie
Williams, Joyce E.;
Maclean, Vicky M.;
In Search of the Kingdom: The Social Gospel, Settlement Sociology, and the Science of Reform in America's Progressive Era
Gliboff, Sander;
The Golden Age of Lamarckism, 1866--1926
Geoffrey Cantor;
Thompson, Biographer
Cuddy, Lois A.;
Roche, Claire M.;
Evolution and Eugenics in American Literature and Culture, 1880-1940: Essays on Ideological Conflict and Complicity
Jones, Jeannette Eileen;
Sharp, Patrick B.;
Darwin in Atlantic Cultures: Evolutionary Visions of Race, Gender, and Sexuality
Swetlitz, Marc;
Responses to Evolution by Reform, Conservative, and Reconstructionist Rabbis in Twentieth-Century America
Logan, Alison M. B.;
Pickering, Jane;
A Museum of Ideas: Evolution Education at the Yale Peabody Museum during the 1920s
Hesketh, Ian;
Of Apes and Ancestors: Evolution, Christianity and The Oxford Debate
Lightman, Bernard;
Victorian Sciences and Religions: Discordant Harmonies
White, Paul;
Thomas Huxley: Making the “Man of Science”
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