McGuirk, Donald L. (Author)
McIntosh, Gregory C. (Author)
The most important map in American history is the famous Martin Waldseemüller world map of 1507. Despite this position, its geography contains an unanswered mystery: “What current-day geography is represented by its large northwest landmass?” It appears to mimic the coast of North America, and many contemporary authors agree. There is a problem with this conclusion. The coast of North America was not explored until years after this map’s publication. This enigma has been debated for centuries. With the reexamination of maps and information that predates this map (some of which were unavailable to earlier historians), the authors disagree with conventional wisdom and conclude that the continental-sized landmass that superficially resembles North America is actually the island of Cuba, as imagined by Christopher Columbus. Although this has been a minority opinion in the past, the current authors present important new information that leaves their conclusion in little doubt.
...MoreArticle Richard Weiner (2023) Is Waldseemüller’s “North America” Really Columbus’s Cuba? Investigating a Map Mystery and Other Episodes in the History of Cartography and Exploration. Terrae Incognitae (pp. 1-3).
Donald L. McGuirk;
The Presumed North America on the Waldseemüller World Map (1507): A Theory of Its Discovery by Christopher Columbus
Hessler, John W.;
A Renaissance Globemaker's Toolbox: Johannes Schöner and the Revolution of Modern Science, 1475--1550
Richard Weiner;
Is Waldseemüller’s “North America” Really Columbus’s Cuba? Investigating a Map Mystery and Other Episodes in the History of Cartography and Exploration
Gregory C. McIntosh;
Revisiting the “Admiral’s Map”: What Was It? And Who Was He?
Hessler, John W.;
Duzer, Chet A. Van;
Seeing the World Anew: The Radical Vision of Martin Waldseemu ller's 1507 and 1516 World Maps
Hessler, John;
Warping Waldseemüller: A Cartometric Study of the Coast of South Americaas Portrayed on the 1507 World Map
Horst, Thomas;
Der Niederschlag von Entdeckungsreisen auf Globen des frühen 16. Jahrhunderts
Chet Van Duzer;
Henricus Martellus’s World Map at Yale (c. 1491)
Chet A Van Duzer;
Martin Waldseemüller’s 'Carta marina' of 1516. Study and transcription of the long legends
Hébert, John R.;
The Map that Named America: Martin Waldseemüller's 1507 World Map
Obhof, Ute;
Der Erdglobus, der Amerika benannte: Die Überlieferung der Globensegmente von Martin Waldseemüller
Meurer, Peter;
Die Basler Weltkarte Typus Cosmographicus universalis von Sebastian Münster
Marco Masseti;
Cecilia Veracini;
The zoomorphic representations of the Pîrî Reis map (1513)
Probasco, Nate;
Cartography as a Tool of Colonization: Sir Humphrey Gilbert's 1583 Voyage to North America
Filippo Camerota;
Una terra oltre le stelle. Il planisfero di Martin Waldseemüller
Thomas Horst;
Kartenkopien im humanistischen Zeitalter
Bárbara Polo Martín;
Los reflejos de la carta naütica de colón en la cart o grafía europea: el mapamundi de zorzi y la carta de roselli-contarini
McIntosh, Gregory C.;
Christopher Columbus and the Piri Reis map of 1513
Robert J. King;
The Antipodes on Martin Waldseemüller's 1507 World Map
Guckelsberger, Kurt;
Das moderne Kartenbild von Europa auf der Carta Itineraria Waldseemüllers von 1511/1520
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