Delgado, Juana R. Vega (Author)
The analysis in this article contrasts indigenous irrigation systems with modern water engineering in Peru to denaturalize and de-normalize the binary gendered associations through which the modern engineering water profession has come to be defined. We present evidence that suggests a gradual historical change in the main source(s) and bearers of water authority in Peru; from the divine to science and from priests to modern engineers. This change has gone accompanied with a distinct masculinization of formal water rights and powers. Yet, remnants from the earlier and more gender-dual past remain visible in actual water distribution and governance processes, which mix and combine more modern engineering knowledges with insights from Inka and pre-Inka histories. By not a priori singling out men as the privileged bearers of water expertise or authority, these hybrid forms of water management in Peru may provide promising entry-point for designing and constructing systems that are better attuned to the combined goals of environmental sustainability and social equity, while also helping make the water engineering profession more hospitable to women and ‘non-modern’ men.
...MoreArticle Margreet Zwarteveen; Edwin Rap (2017) Guest Editor’s Introduction: Engineering Masculinities in Water Governance. Engineering Studies (pp. 75-77).
Margreet Zwarteveen;
Hydrocracies, Engineers and Power: Questioning Masculinities in Water
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Becoming an Engineer or a Lady Engineer: Exploring Professional Performance and Masculinity in Nepal’s Department of Irrigation
Margreet Zwarteveen;
Edwin Rap;
Guest Editor’s Introduction: Engineering Masculinities in Water Governance
Edwin Rap;
Engineering Masculinities: How Higher Education Genders the Water Profession in Peru
Jennifer C. Mallette;
(December 2017)
Expanding Efficiency: Women's Communication in Engineering
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The Archaeoastronomy of High Altitude Inca Ceremonialism
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The Birth of Gender: Clinical Encounters with Hermaphroditic Children at Johns Hopkins (1940--1956)
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Hallucinogens, alcohol and shifting leadership strategies in the ancient Peruvian Andes
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Pre-Hispanic anthropogenic wetlands in the upper Ica drainage, south-central Andes: dating and context
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Mercury, Mining, and Empire: The Human and Ecological Cost of Colonial Silver Mining in the Andes
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Jimena Diaz Leiva;
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Amalgamated Histories: Tracing Quicksilver's Legacy Through Environmental and Political Bodies in Andean and Amazonian Gold Mining
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Climate, Medicine, and Peruvian Health Resorts
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The Matter of Empire: Metaphysics and Mining in Colonial Peru
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God's Laboratory: Assisted Reproduction in the Andes
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Intellectual Imperialism in the Andes: German Anthropologists andArchaeologists in Peru, 1870--1930
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(July 2022)
Why Chuño Matters: Rethinking the History of Technology in Latin America
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Jenny Kennedy;
The Smart Wife: Why Siri, Alexa, and Other Smart Home Devices Need a Feminist Reboot
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Bodily Subjects: Essays on Gender and Health, 1800-2000
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