Chvátal, Alexandr (Author)
During the 1830s, the use of improved microscopic techniques together with new histological methods, including tissue fixation, allowed more precise data to be obtained concerning the structure of nerve tissue of animals as well as humans. The present article, based on the translations of original texts never before published, brings together for the first time the discoveries of famous scholars Gustav Valentin, Robert Remak, and Jan Evangelista Purkyně, who made their significant discoveries in the field of neuroscience almost simultaneously and shows how their findings affected each other. In addition, this article also contains digitally remastered and reconstructed figures published in the original works of Valentin, Remak, and Purkyně and they are displayed for the first time in high quality. Although the fundamental discoveries of these famous scholars did not imply the discovery of nerve cells as we know them today, they were certainly a very important basis for further research of many other eminent scholars during the second half of the nineteenth century.
Frixione, Eugenio;
Sigmund Freud's Contribution to the History of the Neuronal Cytoskeleton
Alexandr Chvátal;
Jan Evangelista Purkyně (1787–1869) and His Instruments for Microscopic Research in the Field of Neuroscience
Schmiedebach, Heinz-Peter;
Robert Remak (1815-1865): Ein jüdischer Arzt im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und Politik
Mendelsohn, J. Andrew;
Lives of the Cell
Anderson, C. Thomas;
Robert Remak and the multinucleated cell: Eliminating a barrier to the acceptance of cell division
Müller, Paul;
Gabriel Gustav Valentin, Pionier der Berner Physiologie
Rudolph, G.;
Gabriel-Gustav Valentin (1810-1883): Grand prix de l'Académie des Sciences (1835), correspondant de l'Académie de Médecine (1846)
Schmiedebach, Heinz-Peter;
Forschungsbericht zur Robert-Remak-Forschung: Bestandsaufnahme, Probleme, Perspektiven
Sajner, Josef;
Johann Ev. Purkyněs Bibliothek
Jonecko, Antoni;
Die polnischsprachige Erstbeschreibung der Sarkosporidien-Zystem und Reizleitungsfasern im Herzgewebe durch Johann E. Purkyně im Jahre 1839: Eine Widerholung seiner Untersuchungen
Orel, Vítězslav;
Matalová, Anna;
Jan Evangelista Purkyně and the origin of the cell theory. Proceedings of the workshop, Mikulov, September 1-3, 1987
Janko, Jan;
Purkyňuv okruh a základy ekologického myšlené v Českých zemích. (Purkyně's circle and the foundations of ecological thinking in Bohemia.)
Orel, Vítězslav;
Janko, Jan;
Geus, Armin;
The enigma of generation in connection with heredity in the teaching of J.E. Purkyně (1787-1869)
Grüsser, Otto-Joachim;
J.E. Purkyně's contributions to the physiology of the visual, the vestibular and the oculomotor systems
Obermajer, Jaroslav;
Purkyňovy analogie na přikladu trávení. (Purkyně's analogies applied to digestion.)
Štrbáňová, Soňa;
Chemie ve fyziologických koncepcích J.E. Purkyně. (Chemistry in Purkyně's physiological concepts.)
Kruta, Vladislav;
The idea of the primary unity of elements in the microscopic structure of animals and plants: J.E. Purkyně and Th. Schwann
Matalová, Anna;
J.E. Purkyně und die Theorie der Zellen von Th. Schwann
Brožek, Josef;
J.E. Purkyně and psychology, with a focus on unpublished manuscripts
Janko, Jan;
Die Geburt der tschechischen Naturwissenschaft: J.E. Purkinje und seine deutschen Kollegen
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