Gino, Sebastiano (Author)
The philosophical debates that unfolded in Enlightenment Britain left a deep mark on the mindset of future generations of thinkers. A clear echo of eighteenth-century disputes over the meaning of human liberty is heard in the subsequent confrontation between materialists and idealists. In more recent times, a number of arguments developed by compatibilist and incompatibilist philosophers still resemble more old-fashioned positions. However, the aim of this paper is to evaluate the differences between Joseph Priestley’s defence of “necessitarianism” and Thomas Reid’s elaboration of counterarguments to support “metaphysical liberty” – as the two doctrines were known in the late eighteenth century – on the background of their methodological assumptions and the different styles of their reasoning. I contend that a different adoption of the Newtonian scientific method, which they brought to bear on the study of the human mind, is key to understanding the way they endeavoured to defend necessity and liberty, respectively. I also argue that their interpretation of the nature of causality importantly shaped the arguments they put forth in attacking each other’s position.
Sell, Alan P. F.;
Priestley's polemic against Reid
Paul Wood;
Thomas Reid on Mathematics and Natural Philosophy
Slowik, Edward;
Conventionalism in Reid's “Geometry of Visibles”
C. B. Bow;
Common Sense in the Scottish Enlightenment
Davie, George Elder;
Scotch Metaphysics: A Century of Enlightenment in Scotland
Klemme, Heiner F.;
Scepticism and Common Sense
Wilson, David B.;
Seeking Nature's Logic: Natural Philosophy in the Scottish Enlightenment
Brock, W. H.;
Joseph Priestley, Enlightened Experimentalist
Faurot, J. H.;
Reid's answer to Joseph Priestley
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Freedom and purpose in biology
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How Physics Makes Us Free
Horst, Steven;
Miracles and Two Accounts of Scientific Laws
Dudley, John;
Aristotle's Concept of Chance: Accidents, Cause, Necessity, and Determinism
Thomas Apel;
‘Revolutions, Philosophical as Well as Civil’: French Chemistry and American Science in Samuel Latham Mitchill’s Medical Repository
Boantza, Victor D.;
The Rise and Fall of Nitrous Air Eudiometry: Enlightenment Ideals, Embodied Skills, and the Conflicts of Experimental Philosophy
Jessop, Ralph;
Resisting the Enlightenment's Instrumentalist Legacy: James, Hamilton, and Carlyle on the Mechanisation of the Human Condition
Ducheyne, Steffen;
The Main Business of Natural Philosophy: Isaac Newton's Natural-Philosophical Methodology
Aaron Wells;
Kant, Linnaeus, and the economy of nature
Billig, Michael;
The Hidden Roots of Critical Psychology: Understanding The Impact of Locke, Shaftesbury, and Reid
Brooks, G. P.;
The faculty psychology of Thomas Reid
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