Wintroub, Michael (Author)
Whilst the ‘local culture’ of experimental natural philosophy in seventeenth-century England drew on ‘resources’ supplied by the gentlemanly identity of men like Robert Boyle, this culture found much of its distinctiveness in a series of exclusions having to do with faith, gender and class. My concern in this essay is less with these exclusions, and the distinctions they enabled, than with their surreptitious returns. Following from this, as a heuristic strategy, I will try to understand how Boyle and Co. used and reacted to, repressed and cathected, that which they sought to exclude. By charting the movements of exile and return across the contested frontiers of class, gender and faith, truth and lies, authenticity and performance, we can, I believe, fruitfully complicate our understandings of both the social history of truth, and the social history of our ‘post-truth’ predicament.
H. Floris Cohen;
A Second Look: Leviathan and the Air-pump: Editor’s Introduction
Salvatore Ricciardo;
The «greate Star-gazer Galileo» in mid-seventeenth-century England: the case of Robert Boyle
Levitin, Dmitri;
The Experimentalist as Humanist: Robert Boyle on the History of Philosophy
Pietro Giustini;
La cultura veneta e il "teatro" di filosofia sperimentale del Poleni
Barone, Robert W.;
A Reputation History of John Dee, 1527--1609: The Life of an Elizabethan Intellectual
Marsha L. Richmond;
The imperative for inclusion: A gender analysis of genetics
Mordechai Feingold;
“Experimental Philosophy”: Invention and Rebirth of a Seventeenth-Century Concept
Antonio Clericuzio;
Gassendi and the English Mechanical Philosophers
Zaterka, Luciana;
Robert Boyle e John Locke: Hipótese corpuscular e filosofia experimental
M. Day;
Restoration Commerce and the Instruments of Trust: Robert Boyle and the Science of Money
Avramov, Iordan;
Hunter, Michael;
Yoshimoto, Hideyuki;
Boyle's Books: The Evidence of His Citations
Anstey, Peter R.;
Philosophy of Experiment in Early Modern England: The Case of Bacon, Boyle and Hooke
Hunter, Michael Cyril William;
Boyle Studies: Aspects of the Life and Thought of Robert Boyle (1627-91)
Potter, Elizabeth;
Gender and Boyle's Law of Gases
Sylvie Taussig;
Vrai et faux Soleil(s) chez Gassendi
Detel, Wolfgang;
Der Sozialkonstruktivismus und die Wissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibung des 17. Jahrhunderts
Maria Renilda Barreto;
Olival Freire Junior;
Introduction: Social History of Science and Historiography: Where are We in Brazil?
Dana Matthiessen;
The rise of cryptographic metaphors in Boyle and their use for the mechanical philosophy
Harrison, Peter;
Physico-Theology and the Mixed Sciences: The Role of Theology in Early Modern Natural Philosophy
Osler, Margaret J.;
Robert Boyle on Knowledge of Nature in the Afterlife
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