Daniela K. Rosner (Author)
Samantha Shorey (Author)
Article Lowengard. Sarah (June 2019) Western Travellers describe foreign textile practices. Technology's Stories.
Article Douny, Lawrence (June 2019) From Pits to Pots: Indigo Dyeing Traditions of the Maranse of Burkina Faso. Technology's Stories.
Article Mamidipuri, Annapurna (June 2019) The Loom in the Weaving Marriage. Technology's Stories.
Rodibaugh, Jennifer J.;
Apollo Crashes
David P. D. Munns;
Kärin Nickelsen;
To live among the stars: artificial environments in the early space age
Robert J. Dufault;
Stalking the Wild Sweetgrass: Domestication and Horticulture of the Grass Used in African-American Coiled Basketry
Karin Hilck;
Lady astronauts, lady engineers, and naked ladies: women and the American space community during the Cold War, 1960s-1980s
Tirthankar Roy;
The crafts and capitalism : Handloom weaving industry in colonial India
Tunstall, Alexandra;
Beyond Categorization: Zhu Kerou's Tapestry Painting Butterfly and Camellia
Schwarzkopf, Jutta;
Unpicking Gender: The Social Construction of Gender in the Lancashire Cotton Weaving Industry, 1880-1914
Roslyn Lee Hammers;
Pictures of Tilling and Weaving: Art, Labor, and Technology in Song and Yuan China
Mamidipuri, Annapurna;
(June 2019)
The Loom in the Weaving Marriage
Weitekamp, Margaret Ann;
The right stuff, the wrong sex: The science, culture, and politics of the Lovelace Woman in Space Program, 1959-1963
Hallion, Richard;
Crouch, Tom D.;
Bilstein, Roger E.;
Apollo: Ten years since Tranquillity Base
Oldenziel, Ruth;
Boys and their toys: The Fisher body craftsman's guild and the making of a male technical domain, 1930--1968
Charles A. Parrott;
The Weave Sheds of New Bedford and their Place in American Industrial Architecture
Launius, Roger D.;
Apollo thirtieth anniversary: Two views -- Part 2: Project Apollo in American memory and myth
Li, Yuhang;
Embroidering Guanyin: Constructions of the Divine through Hair
Muldrew, Craig;
“Th'ancient Distaff” and “Whirling Spindle”: Measuring the Contribution of Spinning to Household Earnings and the National Economy in England, 1550--1770
Huang, I-Fen;
Gender, Technical Innovation, and Gu Family Embroidery in Late-Ming Shanghai
Borbach, Christoph;
Speichern als Übertragen – Übertragen als Speichern. Zur technischen Frühgeschichte akustischer Delay Lines und ihre Verschränkung zweier Medienfunktionen. (Save as Transfer - Transfer as Save. On the technical early history of acoustic delay lines and their entanglement of two media functions.)
Brian C. Odom;
Waring, Stephen P.;
NASA and the Long Civil Rights Movement
Michael D. Leinbach;
Jonathan H. Ward;
Robert L Crippen;
Eileen Collins;
Bringing Columbia Home: The Untold Story of a Lost Space Shuttle and Her Crew
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