Book ID: CBB312389545

Decolonial Ecology: Thinking from the Caribbean World (2022)


Ferdinand, Malcom (Author)
Davis, Angela Y. (Author)
Smith, Anthony Paul (Translator)

Smith, Anthony Paul
Polity Press
Publication date: 2022
Language: English

Publication Date: 2022
Physical Details: 300

The world is in the midst of a storm that has shaped the history of modernity along a double fracture: on the one hand, an environmental fracture driven by a technocratic and capitalist civilization that led to the ongoing devastation of the Earth’s ecosystems and its human and non-human communities and, on the other, a colonial fracture instilled by Western colonization and imperialism that resulted in racial slavery and the domination of indigenous peoples and women in particular.In this important new book, Malcom Ferdinand challenges this double fracture, thinking from the Caribbean world. Here, the slave ship reveals the inequalities that continue during the storm: some are shackled inside the hold and even thrown overboard at the first gusts of wind. Drawing on empirical and theoretical work in the Caribbean, Ferdinand conceptualizes a decolonial ecology that holds protecting the environment together with the political struggles against (post)colonial domination, structural racism, and misogynistic practices.Facing the storm, this book is an invitation to build a world-ship where humans and non-humans can live together on a bridge of justice and shape a common world. It will be of great interest to students and scholars in environmental humanities and Latin American and Caribbean studies, as well as anyone interested in ecology, slavery, and (de)colonization.

Reviewed By

Review J. T. Roane (2023) Review of "Making Livable Worlds: Afro-Puerto Rican Women Building Environmental Justice". American Quarterly (pp. 163-176). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Bennett, Brett M.
Downs, Jim
Wey Gómez, Nicolás
Jensen, Niklas Thode
Nogueira, André
Parsons, Christopher M.
American Historical Review
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Journal of American History
Journal of Global History
University of Pennsylvania Press
Cambridge University Press
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press
Harvard University Press
Johns Hopkins University Press
MIT Press
Science and race
Cross-cultural interaction; cultural influence
Columbus, Christopher
Time Periods
18th century
19th century
17th century
15th century
16th century
20th century
Atlantic world
Great Britain
North America
West India Company

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