Zilberstein, Anya (Author)
Breadfruit is best known in connection with an infamously failed project: the 1789 mutiny against the Bounty, commanded by William Bligh. However, four years later, Bligh returned to the Pacific and fulfilled his commission, delivering breadfruit and other Pacific foods to Caribbean plantations. Placing these plant transfers in the emerging sciences of food and nutrition in the eighteenth century, this essay examines the broader political project of what would much later be called ‘the welfare state,’ which motivated British officials’ interest in experimenting with novel ingredients and recipes to cheaply nourish a range of dependent populations in institutional settings. Perhaps most strikingly, their nutritional recommendations borrowed directly from agricultural practices, particularly from new methods for feeding livestock in confinement.
Gráda, Cormac Ó;
Famine: A Short History
Smith, David F.;
Bufton, Mark W.;
A Case of Parturiunt Montes, Nascetur Ridiculus Mus? The BMA Nutrition Committee 1947--1950 and the Political Disengagement of Nutrition Science
Otter, Chris;
Hippophagy in the UK: A Failed Dietary Revolution
Alma Igra;
Farm to Pharmacy: Nutrition, Animals, and Governance in Britain 1870–1945
Multimedia Object
Claire Clark;
Williams, Elizabeth A.;
Elizabeth A. Williams, “Appetite and Its Discontents: Science, Medicine, and the Urge to Eat, 1750-1950” (U Chicago Press, 2020)
Pennell, Sara;
“A Matter of So Great Importance to My Health”: Alimentary Knowledge in Practice
Spary, E. C.;
Feeding France: New Sciences of Food, 1760--1815
David Gentilcore;
Food and Health in Early Modern Europe: Diet, Medicine and Society, 1450-1800
Williams, Elizabeth A.;
Sciences of Appetite in the Enlightenment, 1750--1800
Orland, Barbara;
Spary, E. C.;
Pucciarelli, Deanna L.;
The Medicinal Use of Chocolate: Past, Present and Future (1776--2007)
Saverio Manetti;
Lucia Bigliazzi;
Luciana Bigliazzi;
I grani, i pani e i popoli. Le antiche varietà di frumento, le «biade», le «piante esotiche» descritte da Saverio Manetti (1765) con le annotazioni autografe dell’autore
Nadja Durbach;
Many Mouths: The Politics of Food in Britain from the Workhouse to the Welfare State
Newton, Gill;
Infant Mortality Variations, Feeding Practices and Social Status in London between 1550 and 1750
Cristiana Loureiro de Mendonça Couto;
The Chemistry of Diet: Medicine, Nutrition, and Staple Foods in Imperial Brazil
Mol, Annemarie;
(June 2013)
Mind your plate! The ontonorms of Dutch dieting
Corinna Treitel;
Nutritional Modernity: The German Case
Kari Tove Elvbakken;
Annette Lykknes;
Relationships between Academia, State and Industry in the Field of Food and Nutrition: The Norwegian Chemist Sigval Schmidt-Nielsen (1877–1956) and His Professional Roles, 1900–1950
Anthony Ryan Hatch;
Blood Sugar: Racial Pharmacology and Food Justice in Black America
Daniele Bortoluzzi;
Bologna e gli Ordinamenta Bladi
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