Article ID: CBB309653260

Unseating the Craftsman: Natural Efficient Cause in Aristotle's Craft Analogy (2023)


In this essay, I respond to a problem raised by Sarah Broadie in her 1987 article “Nature, Craft and Phronesis in Aristotle.” Broadie analyzes Aristotle’s famous craft analogy for natural causation in order to determine whether or not it requires importing a psychological dimension to natural teleology. She argues that it is possible to make sense of the analogy without psychology, but that the tradeoff is a conception of craft so thoroughly de-psychologized that it is rendered unrecognizable, perhaps even incoherent as a referent. I dispute this suggestion and argue, rather, that Aristotle’s insistence on removing psychology from the craft side of the analogy points to his prioritization of techne itself, rather than any particular craftsman, as primary efficient agent. The lack of psychology that characterizes a techne ensures stability and reliability in the causal process that could not be guaranteed by the idiosyncratic psychologies of various craftspeople. The same kind of stability and reliability belong to nature as an efficient cause, forming the basis of the comparison between craft and natural teleology. It is therefore the craft, not the craftsman, that must stand as analog to nature. I demonstrate the value of this revision by applying the analogy to the case of natural teleology: reproduction as depicted in Aristotle’s Generation of Animals. The result is a reading of Aristotle’s analogies that can assuage Broadie’s concerns and allow for a natural thing’s own nature to more fully inhabit its intended role as an inner source of change.

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Authors & Contributors
Leunissen, Mariska
Martins, Roberto de Andrade
Anagnostopoulos, Andreas Harol
Beullens, Pieter
Bianchi, Emanuela
Bowin, John
Apeiron: Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science
Ancient Philosophy
Filosofia e História da Biologia
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch fur Antike und Mittelalter
Oxford University Press
Princeton University
University of California, Berkeley
Cambridge University Press
Princeton University Press
University of California, Los Angeles
Change (philosophy)
Moore, G. E.
Time Periods
20th century, early

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