Book ID: CBB304954810

Past and Present Energy Societies: How Energy Connects Politics, Technologies and Cultures (2012)


Möllers, Nina (Editor)
Zachmann, Karin (Editor)

Publication date: 2012
Language: English

Abundant, salutary, problematic - energy makes history. As a symbol, resource and consumer good, it shapes technologies, politics, societies and cultural world views. Focussing on a range of energy types, from electricity and oil to bioenergy, this volume analyzes the social, cultural and political concepts and discourses of energy and their implementation and materialization within technical systems, applications, media representations and consumer practice. By examining and connecting production, mediation and consumption aspects from an international and interdisciplinary perspective, the book offers an innovative view on how energy is imagined, discussed, staged and used.

Reviewed By

Review Jytte Thorndahl (2014) Review of "Past and Present Energy Societies: How Energy Connects Politics, Technologies and Cultures". Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology (pp. 176-178). unapi

Includes Chapters

Chapter Valentina Roxo (2012) Missing Green in the Black Gold: Environment in the Public Debate on West Siberian Oil Production from the 1970s to the Present. In: Past and Present Energy Societies: How Energy Connects Politics, Technologies and Cultures (pp. 249-275). unapi

Chapter Karin Zachmann (2012) Past and Present Energy Societies: How Energy Connects Politics, Technologies and Cultures. In: Past and Present Energy Societies: How Energy Connects Politics, Technologies and Cultures (pp. 7-41). unapi

Chapter Helena Ekerholm (2012) Cultural Meanings of Wood Gas as Automobile Fuel in Sweden, 1930-1945. In: Past and Present Energy Societies: How Energy Connects Politics, Technologies and Cultures (pp. 223-247). unapi

Chapter Nina Möllers (2012) Electrifying the World: Representations of Energy and Modern Life at World’s Fairs, 1893-1982. In: Past and Present Energy Societies: How Energy Connects Politics, Technologies and Cultures (pp. 43-78). unapi

Chapter Yves Bouvier (2012) Filming Electrical Consumption: EDF’s Promotional Films (1946-2004). In: Past and Present Energy Societies: How Energy Connects Politics, Technologies and Cultures (pp. 109-133). unapi

Chapter Tomas Moe Skjølsvold (2012) Publics in the Pipeline: On Bioenergy and its Imagined Publics in Norway and Sweden. In: Past and Present Energy Societies: How Energy Connects Politics, Technologies and Cultures (pp. 277-303). unapi

Chapter Sophie Gerber (2012) “We want to live electrically!”: Marketing Strategies of German Power Companies in the 20th Century. In: Past and Present Energy Societies: How Energy Connects Politics, Technologies and Cultures (pp. 79-108). unapi

Chapter Karl-Michael Brunner; Markus Spitzer; Anja Christanell (2012) Energy Consumption Practices and Social Inequality: The Case of Low-Income Households. In: Past and Present Energy Societies: How Energy Connects Politics, Technologies and Cultures (pp. 195-219). unapi

Chapter Nina Lorkowski (2012) Managing Energy Consumption: The Rental Business for Storage Water Heaters of Berlin’s Electricity Company from the Late 1920s to the Early 1960s. In: Past and Present Energy Societies: How Energy Connects Politics, Technologies and Cultures (pp. 137-162). unapi

Chapter Silvana Bartoletto (2012) Patterns of Energy Transitions: The Long-Term Role of Energy in the Economic Growth of Europe. In: Past and Present Energy Societies: How Energy Connects Politics, Technologies and Cultures (pp. 305-330). unapi

Chapter Mathias Mutz (2012) Saving Energy by Shifting Clocks?: Energy Policy and the Introduction of Daylight Saving Time in East and West Germany. In: Past and Present Energy Societies: How Energy Connects Politics, Technologies and Cultures (pp. 163-193). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Bekar, Clifford
Berger, Michael L.
Bouvier, Yves
Ekerholm, Helena
Hirsh, Richard F.
Martí-Henneberg, Jordi
Social Science History
Technology's Stories
Taylor & Francis
Greenwood Press
Oxford University Press
Reaktion Books
The MIT Press
Technology and economics
Technology and society
Technology and politics
Energy resources and technologies
Energy consumption
Time Periods
21st century
20th century
19th century
20th century, late
20th century, early
United States
Great Britain
Berlin (Germany)
Chicago World's Fair

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