Ando, Clifford (Author)
McGinness, Anne (Author)
MacCormack, Sabine G. (Author)
The article surveys and interprets the works produced by José de Acosta during his years in the New World and his revisions of, and additions to, those works after his return to Europe. Elucidating Acosta’s engagements with both Scripture and classical literature, the essay urges respect for the various religious, intellectual, and metaphysical commitments that structured Acosta’s arguments. Particular attention is given to Acosta’s wrestling with the limits of ancient geographic knowledge, on the one hand, and to his efforts to understand religion in the New World in light of ancient evidence of knowledge of God before Christianity and patristic essays on the conversion of the ancient Mediterranean.
Valle, Ivonne del;
From José de Acosta to the Enlightenment: Barbarians, Climate Change, and (Colonial) Technology as the End of History
José María García Redondo;
Cartografía e Imperio: El Padrón Real y la representación del Nuevo Mundo
Reguera Rodríguez, Antonio T.;
Los geógrafos del rey
Portuondo, Maria M.;
Secret Science: Spanish Cosmography and the New World
Gruzinski, Serge;
Les quatre parties du monde: histoire d'une mondialisation
Sandman, Alison;
Controlling Knowledge: Navigation, Cartography, and Secrecy in the Early Modern Spanish Atlantic
Molina García, Juan Alberto;
El sistema de cuestionarios y relaciones geográficas en el mundo hispánico de la Ilustración. Un procedimiento para obtener y difundir información climática
Sebastián Molina-Betancur;
José Celestino Mutis and the Defence of the Copernican system in the Viceroyalty of New Granada
Cervantes, Fernando;
Redden, Andrew;
Angels, Demons, and the New World
Avalos, A.;
Astrology and Other Occult Sciences in Seventeenth-Century New Spain
Laura E. Bland;
Unfriendly Skies: Science, Superstition, and the Great Comet of 1680
Renée Raphael;
Inscribing mining practice and theory: conceptions of knowledge production and the Iberian state in Capoche’s and Hinestrosa’s relaciones
Mariana Sánchez Daza;
Alchemical and Paracelsian Ideas in the Arte De Los Metales
Gonzales, Antonio;
Penser l'esclavage avec Aristote et sans Pline. A propos de quelques débats sur les Indiens du Nouveau Monde en Espagne aux XVIe--XVIIe siècles
Sandman, Alison;
An Apologia for the Pilots' Charts: Politics, Projections, and Pilots' Reports in Early Modern Spain
Mauricio Nieto Olarte;
Las máquinas del imperio y el reino de Dios: reflexiones sobre ciencia, tecnología y religión en el mundo atlántico del siglo XVI
Navarro-Brotòns, Victor;
Eamon, William;
Beyond the Black Legend: Spain and the Scientific Revolution
Ledezma, Domingo;
Historia natural y discurso idiosincrásico del Nuevo Mundo: Los Problemas y secretos maravillosos de las Indias, del médico novohispano Juan de Cárdenas
Portuondo, María M.;
Lunar Eclipses, Longitude and the New World
Pimentel, Juan;
The Iberian Vision: Science and Empire in the Framework of a Universal Monarchy, 1500--1800
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