Article ID: CBB273654052

"Mr. Phonograph, Are You There?": Mechanical Failure and Technological Determinism, 1877–1900 (2023)


Vest, J. Martin (Author)

Technology and Culture
Volume: 64
Issue: 1
Pages: 172-201
Publication date: 2023
Language: English

When Thomas Edison handed over his 1877 invention of the phonograph—the new sound recording technology—to a group of investors to market across the U.S, the company lacked the proper expertise, manufacturing, and supply networks to do so. This article traces one company's struggle in dealing with the recurring malfunction of exhibition phonographs, which impacted how audiences came to view the innovation. In doing so, the article revisits the issue of technological determinism as parsed by scholars such as Bruno Latour, Robert Heilbroner, Thomas Hughes, Donald MacKenzie, and Judy Wajcman. Investigating under what circumstances one innovation enjoys more (or less) autonomy vis-à-vis social forces, the case study suggests that scholars should make more granular assessments of how technology and society impact each other.

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Authors & Contributors
Bekar, Clifford
Chandler, Jennifer A.
Davis, L. J.
Emmott, James
Leonardi, Paul M.
Misa, Thomas J.
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
HOST: Journal of History of Science and Technology
Humanities and Technology Review
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Technikgeschichte: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie
The Journal of Transport History
Duke University Press
University of Washington
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press
Boston University
Columbia University Press
Crown Publishers
Technology and society
Technological innovation
Technological determinism
Failure in science, technology, and medicine
Edison, Thomas Alva
Borgmann, Albert
Moore, Gordon E.
Farnsworth, Charles Hubert
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
20th century, early
21st century
20th century, late
18th century
United States
Berlin (Germany)

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