Guerra, Corinna (Author)
During the eighteenth century, chemists in the Kingdom of Naples (the South of Italy) were very busy analyzing the chemical composition of ash from Mount Vesuvius. Undoubtedly, after a huge eruption this dusty phenomenon was the most important scientific object of debate. In fact, it was crucial to determine if there were dangerous elements in the ash so that the population could be warned about the potential hazards, such as polluted drinking water. This was not at all a simple issue, as on the other hand there were scholars who realized that ash could be beneficial as a fertilizer, even as clouds of ash had obscured the sun. As chemical inquiries became more precise and the toxic concentration of many elements became known, this double life of Vesuvian ash as a scientific object gradually died.
Guerra, Corinna;
If You Don't Have a Good Laboratory, Find a Good Volcano: Mount Vesuvius as a Natural Chemical Laboratory in Eighteenth-Century Italy
Corinna Guerra;
La Grotte du chien : un laboratoire européen des connaissances chimiques avant la création de laboratoires institutionnels à Naples
Everson, Jane E.;
The Melting Pot of Science and Belief: Studying Vesuvius in Seventeenth-Century Naples
Elina, Olga Y.;
Private Initiatives, Public Support, and War Practices: Development of Fertilisers in Russia
Rajendra Prasad;
Y. S. Shivay;
A Brief History of the Fertilizer Nitrogen
Owens, Brian;
Long-term Research: Slow Science
Fabio D'Angelo;
La scienza itinerante. Formazione delle competenze e impiego delle risorse minerario-metallurgiche tra il Regno di Napoli e l'Europa (secoli XVIII-XIX)
Cocco, Sean;
Watching Vesuvius: A History of Science and Culture in Early Modern Italy
Principe, Claudia;
Annarita Paolillo;
Sonia La Felice;
Simone Arrighi;
Forma Vesuvii – 2 - Volcanic morphology at the time of the 79 AD Plinian Eruption
Scarth, Alwyn;
Vesuvius: A Biography
Arnaud Page;
“The Greatest Victory Which the Chemist Has Won in the Fight (…) Against Nature”: Nitrogenous Fertilizers in Great Britain and the British Empire, 1910s–1950s
Arnaud Page;
Laurent Herment;
The Price of Nitrogen at the End of the Nineteenth Century
Carey, David, Jr.;
Guatemala's Green Revolution: Synthetic Fertilizer, Public Health, and Economic Autonomy in the Mayan Highland
Anthony S. Travis;
Nitrogen Capture: The Growth of an International Industry
Melillo, Edward D.;
The First Green Revolution: Debt Peonage and the Making of the Nitrogen Fertilizer Trade, 1840--1930
Knight, G. Roger;
A Precocious Appetite: Industrial Agriculture and the Fertiliser Revolution in Java's Colonial Cane Fields, c. 1880-1914
Galera Gómez, Andrés;
Ciencia a la sombra del Vesubio: Ensayo sobre el conocimiento de la naturaleza
Maurizio Erto;
Le osservazioni del giovane Campanella sul vulcanismo dei Campi Flegrei
Rossella De Ceglie;
Carla Petrocelli;
Dentro il vulcano. Il viaggio a Napoli di Gimbernat e Babbage nella prima metà dell’Ottocento
Giovanni Di Pasquale;
Il Caso dei Campi Flegrei: rappresentazioni della Terra nell'Antichita
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