Thabane, Motlatsi (Author)
This paper identifies some of the themes that emerge from a study of official archival records from 1918 to 1934 on the subject of mental health in colonial Lesotho. They include: difficulties experienced by colonial medical doctors in diagnosing and treating mental illnesses, given the state of medical knowledge in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; impact of shortage of financial and other resources on the establishment and operation of medical services, especially mental health care; convergence of social order, financial and medical concerns as influences on colonial approaches to mental health care; and the question of whether Basotho colonial society saw institutionalization of their relatives as ‘hospitalization’ or ‘imprisonment’. Two case studies are presented as preliminary explorations of some of the themes.
Enric J Novella;
Ricardo Campos;
From mental hygiene to mental health: ideology, discourses and practices in Franco’s Spain (1939–75)
Leonardo Musci;
L’archivio di Franco e Franca Basaglia
Annacarla Valeriano;
Voci dalle cartelle. Alcune linee di ricerca dall’archivio storico del manicomio Sant’Antonio abate di Teramo
Slijkhuis, Jessica;
Oosterhuis, Harry;
Cadaver Brains and Excesses in Baccho and Venere: Dementia Paralytica in Dutch Psychiatry (1870--1920)
Ivan Simic;
The Curious Case of Aleksandar Milivojević: The Donja Toponica Hospital and Mental Health in Socialist Yugoslavia
Miller, Edgar;
“Pauper Lunatics and their Treatment,” by Joshua Harrison Stallard (1870)
Hilton, Claire;
The Provision of Mental Health Services in England for People over 65 Years of Age, 1970--78
Lee, Bang Hyun;
Modern Approach to Treating Mental Patients in Colonial Chosun
Hutchison, Iain;
Institutionalization of Mentally-Impaired Children in Scotland, c.1855--1914
Wallis, Jennifer;
The Bones of the Insane
Kragh, Jesper Vaczy;
Malaria Fever Therapy for General Paralysis of the Insane in Denmark
Taylor, Steven J.;
Acts of Conscience: World War II, Mental Institutions, and Religious Objectors
Beyer, Christof;
Eine Patientenperspektive in der Psychiatrie zwischen Krankheit, Normalisierung und Normalität (1921--1937)
Claire E. Edington;
Beyond the Asylum: Mental Illness in French Colonial Vietnam
Melling, Joseph;
Forsythe, Bill;
Insanity, Institutions and Society, 1800-1914: A Social History of Madness in Comparative Perspective
Segrest, Mab;
Exalted on the Ward: “Mary Roberts,” the Georgia State Sanitarium, and the Psychiatric “Speciality” of Race
Claire Hilton;
Psychogeriatrics in England in the 1950s: Greater Knowledge with Little Impact on Provision of Services
Pietikainen, Petteri;
Strengthening the Will: Public Clinics for the Nervously Ill in Sweden in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
Thifault, Marie-Claude;
Les stéréotypes sexuels de l'enfermement asilaire au Québec, au tournant du 20e siècle
Wen-Ji Wang;
An International Teamwork: Mental Hygiene in Shanghai During the 1930s and 1940s
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