Tassinari, Piero (Author)
Singer, P. N. (Translator)
van der Eijk, Philip (Translator)
Mixtures is of central importance for Galen's views on the human body. It presents his influential typology of the human organism according to nine mixtures (or 'temperaments') of hot, cold, dry and wet. It also develops Galen's ideal of the 'well-tempered' person, whose perfect balance ensures excellent performance both physically and psychologically. Mixtures teaches the aspiring doctor how to assess the patient's mixture by training one's sense of touch and by a sophisticated use of diagnostic indicators. It presents a therapeutic regime based on the interaction between foods, drinks, drugs and the body's mixture. Mixtures is a work of natural philosophy as well as medicine. It acknowledges Aristotle's profound influence whilst engaging with Hippocratic ideas on health and nutrition, and with Stoic, Pneumatist and Peripatetic physics. It appears here in a new translation, with generous annotation, introduction and glossaries elucidating the argument and setting the work in its intellectual context.
...MoreReview Caroline Petit (2020) Review of "Galen's Theory of Black Bile: Hippocratic Tradition, Manipulation, Innovation". Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 867-869).
John Wilkins;
Bodily Fluids (‘Humours’) and Flavours in Galen’s Simple Medicines
Syros, Vasileios;
Galenic Medicine and Social Stability in Early Modern Florence and the Islamic Empires
Diamandopoulos, Athanasios;
Goudas, Pavlov;
Diamantopoulou, Hilary;
The Human Skin: A Meeting Ground for the Ideas about Macrocosm and Microcosm in Ancient and Medieval Greek Literature
Amneris Roselli;
Colorito della pelle e sistema degli umori: Galeno interprete di Ippocrate, Epidemie VI 3, 13 e VI 2, 6
Keith Andrew Stewart;
Galen's Theory of Black Bile: Hippocratic Tradition, Manipulation, Innovation
Arsenio Ferraces Rodríguez;
Epístolas de Hipócrates y de Galeno sobre los humores y sobre las fiebres entre la Antigüedad Tardía y la Alta Edad Media
Kovacic, F.;
Intensität der Elementarqualitäten nach Galen
Holmes, Brooke;
The Symptom and the Subject: The Emergence of the Physical Body in Ancient Greece
Wee, John Zhu-En;
The Practice of Diagnosis in Mesopotamian Medicine: With Editions of Commentaries on the Diagnostic Series Sa-gig
Yébenes, Sabino Perea;
Un iama del santuario-hospital de Asclepio en Pérgamo (Notica de Rufo de Efeso, en Oribasio, Collectiones Medicae, XLV, 30. 10--14)
Silvia Iorio;
Valentina Gazzaniga;
Silvia Marinozzi;
Healing Bodies: The Ancient Origins of Massages and Roman Practices
Vito Lorusso;
Metodo terapeutico: Libri III-IV
García-Ballester, Luis;
Arrizabalaga, Jon;
Cabré, Montserrat;
Cifuentes, Lluís;
Salmón, Fernando;
Galen and Galenism: Theory and Medical Practice from Antiquity to the European Renaissance
Daniel Droixhe;
Toutes ces choses bizarres que les gens prennent comme nourriture: Poisson, cancer et consultations à Padoue au début des temps modernes
Shapin, Steven;
“You are what you eat”: Historical Changes in Ideas about Food and Identity
Walker, Katherine A.;
A Gendered History of Pain in England, circa 1620--1740
Jan Verplaetse;
Wild melancholy. On the historical plausibility of a black bile theory of blood madness, or hæmatomania
Popa, Tiberiu;
Observing the Invisible Regimen I on Elemental Powers and Higher Order Dispositions
Scullin, Sarah E.;
Hippocratic Pain
Moreau, Elisabeth;
Le substrat galénique des idées médicales d'Isaac Beeckman (1616--1627)
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