Magdalena Kersting (Author)
Haglund, Jesper (Author)
Rolf Steier (Author)
Science deals with the world around us, and we understand, experience, and study this world through and with our bodies. While science educators have started to acknowledge the critical role of the body in science learning, approaches to conceptualising the body in science education vary greatly. Embodiment and embodied cognition serve as umbrella terms for different approaches to bodily learning processes. Unfortunately, researchers and educators often blur these different approaches and use various claims of embodiment interchangeably. Understanding and acknowledging the diversity of embodied perspectives strengthen arguments in science education research and allows realising the potential of embodied cognition in science education practice. We need a comprehensive overview of the various ways the body bears on science learning. With this paper, we wish to present such an overview by disentangling key ideas of embodiment and embodied cognition with a view towards science education. Drawing on the historical traditions of phenomenology and ecological psychology, we propose four senses of embodiment that conceptualise the body in physical, phenomenological, ecological, and interactionist terms. By illustrating the multiple senses of embodiment through examples from the recent science education literature, we show that embodied cognition bears on practical educational problems and has a variety of theoretical implications for science education. We hope that future work can recognise such different senses of embodiment and show how they might work together to strengthen the many roles of the body in science education research and practice.
Eberhart, Marlene L.;
Introduction: Entangled Senses—Putting Knowledge into Practice in Early Modern Europe
Jamie A. Lee;
Producing the Archival Body
Janet Abbate;
Stephanie Dick;
Abstractions and Embodiments: New Histories of Computing and Society
Michel Pretalli;
Hannibal versus Phormio: Theory and Practice in Italian Military Literature at the End of the Renaissance
Koen Vermeir;
Education and the Cultivation of the Early Modern Self: Cultura Animi as Self-Care in Juan Luis Vives
Soha Bayoumi;
What Place for Emotions in the History of Science and Medicine Classroom?
John Nott;
Anna Harris;
Making Sense of Medicine: Material Culture and the Reproduction of Medical Knowledge
David E. Dunning;
Constructing the “home-side” of a scientific legacy: Mary Everest Boole, pedagogy, and domesticity
Tianna Helena Uchacz;
Reconstructing Early Modern Artisanal Epistemologies and an “Undisciplined” Mode of Inquiry
Kimberly Wallace-Sanders;
Skin Deep, Spirit Strong: The Black Female Body in American Culture
Frank Gonzalez-Crussi;
The Body Fantastic
Lucie Dalibert;
(July 2016)
Living with Spinal Cord Stimulation: Doing Embodiment and Incorporation
Tristan Samuels;
Herodotus and the Black Body: A Critical Race Theory Analysis
Daniel Black;
Embodiment and mechanisation : Reciprocal understandings of body and machine from the Renaissance to the present
Matthew H. Vollgraff;
The Science of Expression: Ausdruckskunde and Bodily Knowledge in German Modernist Culture
Stefanie Hunt-Kennedy;
Between Fitness and Death: Disability and Slavery in the Caribbean
Heidi Hausse;
The malleable body: Surgeons, artisans, and amputees in early modern Germany
Radhika Mohanram;
Black Body: Women, Colonialism, and Space
Sara Spike;
Mayflowers and Sleeping Johnnies: Nature-Study, Local Knowledge, and A. H. MacKay’s Phenological Research in Rural Nova Scotia, 1892-1925
Myers, Natasha;
Modeling Proteins, Making Scientists: An Ethnography of Pedagogy and Visual Cultures in Contemporary Structural Biology
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