Kasperowski, Dick (Author)
Niclas Hagen (Author)
This paper focuses on how particularities are performed and made to travel through the creation of trust. The Swedish Species Observation System (Artportalen) is one of the largest inscription and calculation centers for citizen data in the world, used extensively by public authorities in Sweden. Observations by members of the public become actionable through environmental governance laws in Sweden. These observations are made through networks of things and humans in which trust is created but unevenly distributed. Important for them to be trusted and to travel are such things as computer software to filter and map observations, red lists, GIS-tools to determine time and place, and validation committees. However, trust is more concentrated in a core set of actors, and there depends on interpersonal relations – though these relations are facilitated by other parts of the epistemic system.
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Evaluating Community Science
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Knut Lundmark, Meteors and an Early Swedish Crowdsourcing Experiment
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