Article ID: CBB243471108

Edward Morgan (c.1619–c.1689) and his hortus siccus: an early record of Welsh plants (2022)


Edward Morgan, gardener at the Westminster Physic Garden probably from about 1650 until 1678, compiled a hortus siccus in three large volumes, which are now in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Morgan evidently continued to add specimens to the hortus siccus when he retired from Westminster and returned to his native Wales. Remarkably, on the back of a letter to his father, also in the Bodleian Library, Edward Lhwyd listed “plants found in north wales” with page numbers relating to specimens in the three “tomes” of the hortus siccus, presumably as an aide-memoire for his own use. These lists are clearly abbreviated versions of lists made by Morgan himself, of which only that relating to the first volume has survived, but from it and other evidence it has proved possible to detect the specimens in the hortus siccus that were certainly or very probably collected in North Wales. Unfortunately the specimens are not localized or dated, but, although they constitute early records for Wales, almost all of the species represented had already been recorded in Britain and/or Ireland.

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Authors & Contributors
Brotton, Jerry
Millea, Nick
Stungo, Ruth
Anstey, Peter R.
Boran, Elizabethanne
Cappelletti, Elsa Mariella
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
Garden History
History of Science
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
History of Science in South Asia
Bodleian Library
Natural History Museum (London, England)
University of Oklahoma
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press
Four Courts Press
Botanical gardens
Science and art
Herbarium; herbaria
Boccone, Paolo
Gerard, John
Locke, John
Miller, Philip
Shakespeare, William
Sloane, Hans
Time Periods
17th century
18th century
16th century
19th century
Early modern
British Isles
London (England)
Rome (Italy)
Sri Lanka
Bodleian Library
Chelsea Physic Garden
Oxford University
Dutch East India Company
Natural History Museum (London, England)

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