Fabrizio Pagnoni (Author)
This paper focuses on a particular aspect of medieval warfare: the artificial use of water to cause flooding for tactical purposes or devastation. Particular attention is paid to the factors that made the use of these techniques possible; to the context in which they were used; to the personnel involved in the implementation of these hydraulic enterprises.
...MoreBook Giuliana Albini; Paolo Grillo; Blythe Alice Raviola (2022) Il fuoco e l’acqua. Prevenzione e gestione dei disastri ambientali fra Medioevo e Età Moderna.
Marco Formisano;
Hartmut Böhme;
War in Words: Transformations of War from Antiquity to Clausewitz
Matteo Valleriani;
The War in Ariosto's "Orlando furioso": A Snapshot of the Passage from Medieval to Early Modern Technology
Christof Baier;
Ulrich Reinisch;
Das römische Militärlager und die ›ideale Stadt‹ der Neuzeit. Polybios, Machiavelli, Dürer, Serlio, Stevin und die Suche nach der idealen städtischen Raumordnung
Remy Simonetti;
Acque e dissesto idrogeologico nel Padovano (secc. XII-XIV)
Soens, Tim;
Flood Security in the Medieval and Early Modern North Sea Area: A Question of Entitlement?
Galloway, James A.;
Coastal Flooding and Socioeconomic Change in Eastern England in the Later Middle Ages
Simone Tomassoni;
La prima guerra mondiale
Luigi Spina;
Beschreibung einer Belagerung: wenn Worte den Krieg ›sehen‹ lassen
Dyndal, Gjert Lage;
Land Based Air Power or Aircraft Carriers? A Case Study of the British Debate about Maritime Air Power in the 1960s
Micah S. Muscolino;
The Ecology of War in China: Henan Province, the Yellow River, and Beyond, 1938-1950
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The Nature of Disaster in China: The 1931 Yangzi River Flood
Blythe Alice Raviola;
Piene, ghiare e isoloni del Po nella prima età moderna. Un esempio fra Cremonese e Parmense nel Cinquecento
Riccardo Rao;
Risk societies e resilienza ambientale: borghi nuovi, inondazioni e abbandoni sul Po nel medioevo e nella prima età moderna
Sundberg, Adam;
Claiming the Past: History, Memory, and Innovation Following the Christmas Flood of 1717
Fabrizio Costantini;
Confini fluviali, esondazioni, controllo istituzionale: Bergamo, Cremona e Pavia in età moderna
Alessia Babetto;
Le voci del Polesine. Letteratura, cronaca, memoria dell'alluvione in Polesine del 1951
Giorgio Dell'Oro;
Acque, inondazioni, disastri idrici: un dialogo aperto a varie discipline
Massimo Galtarossa;
Padova e le sue acque nella prima età moderna
Franco Pozzati;
L'Alluvione del Polesine del 1951: Un caso emblematico. I problemi non ancora risolti
Bauch, Martin;
Die Magdalenenflut 1342 am Schnittpunkt von Umwelt- und Infrastrukturgeschichte: Ein compound event als Taktgeber für mittelalterliche Infrastrukturentwicklung und Daseinsvorsorge. (St. Mary Magdelene’s Flood (1342) at the Intersection of Environmental History and the History of Infrastructures: A Compound Event as a Catalyst of Medieval Infrastructure Development and Public Welfare)
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