Article ID: CBB232039985

Rómulo de Carvalho’s Humanistic Chemistry Syllabus in the 1948 Portuguese Liceal Reform (2013)


Galamba, Arthur (Author)

Science and Education
Volume: 22
Issue: 6
Pages: 1519-1536
Publication date: 2013
Language: English

This paper scrutinizes the contribution of Rómulo de Carvalho to the development of the Portuguese science curriculum, arguing that it was critically informed by his lifetime inclination to the humanities. It focuses on a particular historical event: the 1948 chemistry programme for the secondary school ‘Liceus’. The paper briefly reviews the educational situation during Salazarism, and how Carvalho and others worked against Salazar’s anti-liberal idealism. The concept of humanistic science education is also reviewed. The article provides a general overview of Carvalho’s activities in poetry, the history of science, and in education, and argues that the work of this multifaceted man was geared towards the need for context and meaningfulness in ordinary human life. In 1948, a shift in chemistry teaching is identified, from one that is less meaningful to students’ everyday lives to one that is more humanistic in nature. This shift, introduced by Carvalho, brought about radical measures such as the controversial suppression of chemical equations and concepts. The article also provides an account of Carvalho’s rationale for such changes and concludes with a discussion of the significance of the reform for Carvalho and for Portuguese science education.

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Authors & Contributors
Cuenca-Lorente, Mar
Simon, Josep
Brock, William H.
Eser, Gülşah
Feingold, Mordechai
Horton, Mary E. Kollmer
Science and Education
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
History of Science
Osmanli Bilimi Arastirmalari: Studies in Ottoman Science
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
University of Chicago Press
University of Chicago
Edições Colibri
University of California Press
Emory University
Science education and teaching
Primary and secondary education
Science and politics
Curriculum change
Bassi, Laura Maria Caterina
Carvalho, Rómulo de
Copernicus, Nicolaus
Darwin, Erasmus
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
20th century, late
16th century
17th century
United States
Great Britain
Soviet Union
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
Université de Paris
Università di Roma
Mekteb-i Harbiye (War school) (Istanbul, Turkey)

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