Conte, Christopher A. (Author)
This essay argues that agroforestry is deeply embedded in the history of tropical agriculture in the Indian Ocean basin. Drawing on the example of Pemba Island, part of the Zanzibar Archipelago just off the coast of Tanzania, the essay studies a transitionary phase in the island's agricultural history when plantations of clove trees gave way to more diverse small-scale agricultural systems. Beginning in the early years of the twentieth century, former slaves began a landscape overhaul that combined a suite of Asian, African, and American plants with methods and knowledge of agroforestry.
Sunseri, Thaddeus;
“Every African a Nationalist”: Scientific Forestry and Forest Nationalism in Colonial Tanzania
James W. Martin;
Banana Cowboys: The United Fruit Company and the Culture of Corporate Colonialism
Timothy P. Barnard;
Joanna W. C. Lee;
A Spiteful Campaign: Agriculture, Forests, and Administering the Environment in Imperial Singapore and Malaya
Rangan, Haripriya;
Alpers, Edward A.;
Denham, Tim;
Kull, Christian A.;
Carney, Judith;
Food Traditions and Landscape Histories of the Indian Ocean World: Theoretical and Methodological Reflections
Newman, Simon P;
A New World of Labor: The Development of Plantation Slavery in the British Atlantic
Law, Robin;
Suzanne, Schwarz;
Silke, Strickrodt;
Commercial Agriculture, the Slave Trade and Slavery in Atlantic Africa
Huijzendveld, Frans D.;
Changes in Political Economy and Ecology in West-Usambara, Tanzania: ca. 1850--1950
Spengler, Robert N., III;
Niche Dwelling vs. Niche Construction: Landscape Modification in the Bronze and Iron Ages of Central Asia
Boyer, Christopher R.;
A Land between Waters: Environmental Histories of Modern Mexico
Martin, Meredith;
Bourbon Renewal at Rambouillet
Tello, Enric;
Valldepera, Natàlia;
, Anna Ollés;
Marull, Joan;
Coll, Francesc;
Warde, Paul;
Wilcox, Paul Thomas;
Looking Backwards into a Mediterranean Edge Environment: Landscape Changes in El Congost Valley (Catalonia), 1850--2005
Geoffrey K. Pakiam;
“Not the Oil of the Country”: Smallholders and British Malaya’s Oil Palm Industry, 1929–1941
Sluyter, Andrew;
Black Ranching Frontiers: African Cattle Herders of the Atlantic World, 1500--1900
Sunseri, Thaddeus;
Exploiting the Urwald: German Post-Colonial Forestry in Poland and Central Africa, 1900--1960
Jonathan R. Walz;
Zigua Medicine, between Mountains and Ocean: People, Performances, and Objects in Healing Motion
Dale W. Tomich;
Marquese, Rafael de Bivar;
Monzote, Reinaldo Funes;
Carlos Venegas Fornias;
Reconstructing the landscapes of slavery : A visual history of the plantation in the nineteenth-century Atlantic world
Brett M. Bennett;
Plantations and Protected Areas: A Global History of Forest Management
Siscawati, Mia;
Social Movements and Scientific Forestry: Examining the Community Forestry Movement in Indonesia
Sureshkumar Muthukumaran;
The Tropical Turn: Agricultural Innovation in the Ancient Middle East and the Mediterranean
Gareth Austin;
Vent for surplus or productivity breakthrough? The Ghanaian cocoa take-off, c. 1890–1936
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