Gemelli, Agostino (Author)
de Santis, Dario (Editor)
Agostino Gemelli (1878-1959) prese parte alla Prima guerra mondiale nella triplice veste di cappellano militare, medico e direttore del Laboratorio psicofisiologico del Comando supremo dell’esercito. Nei suoi scritti la guerra diviene complessa metafora di una modernità sospesa fra scienza e religione. I saggi di Gemelli qui pubblicati illustrano la nascita e lo sviluppo della psicologia del soldato e la rilevanza che questa ebbe nel progressivo rafforzamento istituzionale e scientifico della psicologia, ma contengono anche le linee guida di quel rinnovamento neotomista della dottrina cattolica, il cui fine ultimo consisteva nel ridefinire la sfera esistenziale dell’uomo moderno attraverso un nuovo percorso pedagogico e culturale. [Abstract translated by Google Translate: This is the abstract in English… Agostino Gemelli (1878-1959) took part in the First World War with the triple role of military chaplain, doctor, and director of the Psychophysiological Laboratory of the Supreme Army Command. In his writings, war becomes a complex metaphor of a modernity suspended between science and religion. Gemelli's essays published here illustrate the birth and development of the psychology of soldiers and the importance that this had in the progressive institutional and scientific strengthening of psychology, but they also contain the guidelines of that neotomist renewal of Catholic doctrine, whose ultimate goal consisted in redefining the existential sphere of modern man through a new pedagogical and cultural path.]
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Soldati e neuropsichiatria nell'Italia della Grande Guerra: controllo militare e pratiche assistenziali a confronto (1915-1918)
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Families and Institutions for Shell-Shocked Soldiers in Australia after the First World War
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Adello Vanni;
Le nevrosi di guerra, l’anafilassi psichica e la sedizione criminaloide a Villa del Seminario (1916-1917)
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Shell-Shock and Medical Culture in First World War Britain
Matteo Borri;
La psichiatria europea e il fronte
Cimino, Guido;
Foschi, Renato;
Clinical psychology and psychotherapy in Italy during the second half of the 20th century
Fornaro, Mauro;
L’incontro di Agostino Gemelli con la psicologia e la psichiatria tedesche
Rebecca Ayako Bennette;
Diagnosing Dissent: Hysterics, Deserters, and Conscientious Objectors in Germany During World War One
Dietze, Gabriele;
“Simulanten des Irrsinns auf dem Vortragspult”: Dada, Krieg und Psychiatrie, eine Aktive Traumadynamik
AD (Sandy) Macleod;
Abrupt treatments of hysteria during World War I, 1914–18
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Shock Troupe: Medical Film and the Performance of ‘Shell Shock’ for the British Nation at War:
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When war came home: air-raid shock in World War I
Jones, Edgar;
War Neuroses and Arthur Hurst: A Pioneering Medical Film about the Treatment of Psychiatric Battle Casualties
Mark C. Wilkins;
Aero-Neurosis: Pilots of the First World War and the Psychological Legacies of Combat
Loughran, Tracey;
Shell-Shock and Psychological Medicine in First World War Britain
Wagner, Juliet Clare;
Twisted Bodies, Broken Minds: Film and Neuropsychiatry in the First World War
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A war psychiatry approach to warfare in the Middle Byzantine period
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