Charles Dick (Author)
This is the first comprehensive critical study of the Organisation Todt (OT), a key institution which oversaw the Third Reich's vast slave labour programme together with the SS, Wehrmacht and industry. The book breaks new ground by revealing the full extent of the organisation's brutal and murderous operations across occupied Europe and in the Reich. For the first time, Charles Dick provides a strong voice for camp survivors overseen by the OT, drawing on an extensive collection of personal accounts and analysing the violence they endured. (Publisher)
...MoreReview Thomas Zeller (April 2022) Review of "Builders of the Third Reich: The Organisation Todt and Nazi forced labour". Technology and Culture (pp. 529-530).
Broch, Ludivine M. E., 1983-;
Ordinary workers, Vichy and the Holocaust: French railwaymen and the Second World War
Alexander, Jennifer K.;
An Efficiency of Scarcity: Using Food to Increase the Productivity of Soviet Prisoners of War in the Mines of the Third Reich
Michael Bermejo-Wenzel;
Andrea H. Schneider-Braunberger;
Geraubte Diamanten, Schmuck und Edelmetalle: Die Beteiligung deutscher Juweliere und Goldschmiede an Handel und Verwertung in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus. (Looted Diamonds, Jewelry and Precious Metals: The Involvement of German Jewelers and Goldsmiths in Trade and Exploitation during the National Socialist Era)
Thorne, Roger D.;
(Fall/Winter 2011)
When German Prisoners of War Rode the Pennsy
Fletcher, Angharad;
Sisters Behind the Wire: Reappraising Australian Military Nursing and Internment in the Pacific during World War II
Jones, Edgar;
Wessely, Simon;
British Prisoners-of-War: From Resilience to Psychological Vulnerability: Reality or Perception
Ettore Gadioli;
Maiolo, Joseph A.;
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The Corrigible and the Incorrigible: Science, Medicine, and the Convict in Twentieth-Century Germany
Hedfors, Eva;
Medical Science in the Light of the Holocaust: Departing from a Post-war Paper by Ludwik Fleck
Samuel J. Klee;
Assembling “The Camp”: Agricultural Labor and the Wartime Carceral State in Chesterfield, Missouri, 1937–1972
Herwig Czech;
Gabor S. Ungvari;
Kamila Uzarczyk;
Paul Weindling;
Gábor Gazdag;
Electroconvulsive Therapy in the Shadow of the Gas Chambers: Medical Innovation and Human Experimentation in Auschwitz
Jueyeon Lee;
Youngsoo Cho;
The Study on the Lives and Health Conditions of Internees in Santo Thomas Camp of Philippines - Based on McAnlis’s The War in Manila (1941-1945)
Robertson, Andrew John;
(cited 2000)
Mobilizing for war, engineering the peace: The state, the shop floor, and the engineer in Japan, 1935-1960
Joan Lisa Bromberg;
Coherence and Noise in the Era of the Maser
Nick Hall;
Zoomar: Frank G. Back and the Postwar Television Zoom Lens
Michael W Charney;
Imperial military transportation in British Asia : Burma 1941-1942
Ludwig Fleck;
(May 2016)
Ludwik Fleck: On Medical Experiments on Human Beings
Florian Schmaltz;
Chemical Weapons Research on Soldiers and Concentration Camp Inmates in Nazi Germany
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