Article ID: CBB220665481

The Professors’ Professor: The American Students of August Krogh (2023)


This paper examines the creation and development of an international social network between physiologists in Denmark and the United States in the period 1907-1939. At the center of the network was the Danish physiologist and 1920 Nobel Laureate August Krogh and his Zoophysiological Laboratory at the University of Copenhagen. In total, sixteen Americans were visiting researchers at the Zoophysiological Laboratory until 1939, and more than half of them were at some point in their career affiliated with Harvard University. For many of them, their visit would be the start of a long-term connection with Krogh and the broader network. This paper shows how the American visitors, Krogh, and the Zoophysiological Laboratory benefitted from being part of this network of top researchers in physiology and medicine. The visits themselves provided the Zoophysiological Laboratory with intellectual stimulus and more manpower for its research, while the American visitors received training and developed research ideas. Beyond the visits, the network gave the members, especially the central figures such as August Krogh, access to advice, job offers, funding and travel opportunities.

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Authors & Contributors
Bertil F. Dorch
Ankeny, Rachel A.
Civello, Andrea
Cueto, Marcos
Dietrich, Michael R.
Eling, Paul
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
Journal of the History of Biology
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
American Physiological Society
Yale University Press
Physicians; doctors
Nobel Prizes
Astronomical observatories
Libraries and archives
Krogh, August
Cannon, Walter Bradford
Jerne, Niels Kaj
Krogh, Marie
Allen, Garland E.
Cobb, Stanley
Time Periods
20th century, early
20th century, late
19th century
17th century
21st century
16th century
United States
Great Britain
Harvard University
University of Copenhagen
Rockefeller Foundation
Boston City Hospital
Østervold Observatory
University of Southern Denmark

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