Pia Vuolanto (Author)
Harley Bergroth (Author)
Johanna Nurmi (Author)
Suvi Salmenniemi (Author)
The contestation of expertise is perhaps nowhere more pronounced than in the field of health and well-being, on which this article focuses. A multitude of practices and communities that stand in contentious relationships with established forms of medical expertise and promote personalised modes of self-care have proliferated across Euro-American societies. Drawing on multi-sited ethnography in three domains – body–mind–spirit therapies, vaccine hesitancy and consumer-grade digital self-tracking – we map such practices through the concept of ‘everyday fringe medicine’. The concept of everyday fringe medicine enables us to bring together various critical health and well-being practices and to unravel the complex modes of contestation and appreciation of the medical establishment that are articulated within them. We find three critiques of the medical establishment – critiques of medical knowledge production, professional practices and the knowledge base – which make visible the complexities related to public understandings of science within everyday fringe medicine.
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Valentina Turrini;
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Chitra Ramalingam;
Shobita Parthasarathy;
How to Be an Epistemic Trespasser
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(October 2016)
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Tax, Medicines and the Law: From Quackery to Pharmacy
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Shadow Medicine: The Placebo in Conventional and Alternative Therapies
Susan E. Cayleff;
Nature's Path: A History of Naturopathic Healing in America
Adams, Vincanne;
Randomized Controlled Crime: Postcolonial Sciences in Alternative Medicine Research
Haller, John S.;
Sectarian Reformers in American Medicine, 1800--1910
González Korzeniewski, Manuel A.;
El mito fundacional de la homeopatía argentina. La Revista Homeopatía, Buenos Aires (1933--1940)
Vankevich, Ned;
The Rhetorical Agon of Allopathic and Alternative Medicine: Marginalization, Resistance and Empowerment in Dr. Richard Schulze's Botanically-Based Natural Healing Crusade
Ylva Söderfeldt;
The Truth Within: Making Medical Knowledge in the Hay Fever Association of Heligoland, 1899–1909
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Volker Hess;
Medizinisches Gutachten: Geschichte einer neuzeitlichen Praxis
Scottie Hale Buehler;
Aborted Dreams and Contested Labors: The Société Royale de Médecine’s 1786 Survey of Midwives
Alex Mold;
Peder Clark;
Hannah J. Elizabeth;
Publics and their health: Historical problems and perspectives
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