Bruegel, Martin (Author)
Lecocq, Sébastien (Author)
In 1908, an unpublished investigation by the French government discovered a number of commercial kitchens that violated the 1903 law regarding hygiene and security in the workplace. A linear-probability model shows that restaurants in tourist neighborhoods were 12 percentage points more likely to transgress sanitary regulations than those in non-tourist areas. Many of the kitchens in the expensive restaurants of central Paris were in basements where they lacked fresh air, sunlight, and efficient waste evacuation. Clientele also mattered as a determinant of insalubrity. Local repeat customers whose loyalty depended on constant restaurant standards tended to exert more pressure on sanitation than did tourists who based their choices on culinary reputation, such as recommendations in Baedeker’s travel guide.
Graf Rüdiger;
Wahrheit im Dschungel von Literatur, Wissenschaft und Politik. Upton Sinclairs „The Jungle“ und die Reform der Lebensmittelkontrolle in den USA der „Progressive Era“
Scholliers, Peter;
Van den Eeckhout, Patricia;
Hearing the Consumer? The Laboratory, the Public, and the Construction of Food Safety in Brussels (1840s--1910s)
Deborah Blum;
The Poison Squad: One Chemist's Single-Minded Crusade for Food Safety at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Hardy, Anne Irmgard;
Salmonella Infections, Networks of Knowledge, and Public Health in Britain, 1880--1975
Carbonetti, Adrian;
Rodríguez, María Laura;
Aizenberg, Lila;
Tuberculosis y tisofobia en Argentina : discursos y conflictos en la construcción del sanatorio de Ascochinga, 1925
Wendy Wall;
Distillation: Transformations in and out of the Kitchen
Sun-Young Park;
Ideals of the Body: Architecture, Urbanism, and Hygiene in Postrevolutionary Paris
Chris Pearson;
Combating Canine ‘Visiting Cards’: Public Hygiene and the Management of Dog Mess in Paris since the 1920s
Trépardoux, Francis;
Ségal, Alain;
Bouchardat et la médecine hygiénique
Jytte Thorndahl;
Introducing New Technology to the Danish Housewives, 1900—1960
Mark Aldrich;
The Rise and Decline of the Kerosene Kitchen: A Neglected Energy Transition in Rural America, 1870–1950
Alexander I. Parry;
Delivering Bacteriology to the American Homemaker: Correspondence Education, Kitchen Experiments, and Public Health, 1890–1930
Levidow, Les;
Boschert, Karin;
Segregating GM Crops: Why a Contentious “Risk” Issue in Europe?
Loeber, Anne;
Hajer, Maarten;
Levidow, Les;
Agro-food Crises: Institutional and Discursive Changes in the Food Scares Era
Paul, Katharina T.;
Dutch Food Safety Policy: From “Politics in the Stable” to Stable Politics
Landweber, Julia;
“This Marvelous Bean”: Adopting Coffee into Old Regime French Culture and Diet
Booker, Matthew Morse;
Charles Ludington;
Food Fights: How history matters to contemporary food debates
Frohlich, Xaq;
(Spring 2022)
Making Food Standard: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Food Standards of Identity, 1930s–1960s
Roslyng, Mette Marie;
Challenging the Hegemonic Food Discourse: The British Media Debate on Risk and Salmonella in Eggs
Levenstein, Harvey;
Fear of Food: A History of Why We Worry about What We Eat
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