The Republic of Pisa was an international economic power as early as the 11th century. Its prosperity led to the early development of typical communal institutions (consules) as well as to the drafting of the most ancient and exhaustive examples of written ius proprium that have survived until today: the Constitutum Legis (CL) and the Constitutum Usus (CU). The latter included a list of city customs, with particular reference to feudal, commercial and maritime law. At the time of Pisa’s supremacy, i.e. until the second half of the 13th century, merchants from the Republic could be found all across the Mediterranean. Pisa itself too was a melting pot of different ethnicities and cultures, so much so that was described as a new ‘Babel’ by the monk Donizo of Canossa. This paper aims at analyzing the law and language used for commenda-like contracts by the merchants of Pisa in order to verify possible foreign influences. The very foreword of the CU, in fact, states that Pisa ‘earned’ its own customs (suas consuetudines non scriptas habere meruit) thanks to the ‘dialogue’ with people coming from different parts of the world (propter conversationem diversarum gentium).
...MoreBook Stefania Gialdroni; Dauchy, Serge,; Cordes, Albrecht (2020) Migrating words, migrating merchants, migrating law: trading routes and the development of commercial law.
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Coming to Terms with the Atlantic World: German Merchants, Language, and English Legal Culture in the Early Modern Period
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Migrating Words and Migrating Custom among the Geniza Merchants: Maimonides on Commercial Agency Law
Stefania Gialdroni;
Dauchy, Serge,;
Cordes, Albrecht;
Migrating words, migrating merchants, migrating law: trading routes and the development of commercial law
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Lingua Franca and Migrations
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(September 2017)
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Orality and literacy: The technologizing of the word
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I teatri anatomici dell’Università di Pisa
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Zoological specimens from the Franco-Tuscan expedition to Egypt (1828–1829) in Museo di Storia Naturale dell’Università di Pisa
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The Sources of Leonardo Pisano and how he used them
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